Where do the marines fall here? A coloring book?
Where do the marines fall here? A coloring book?
Don’t worry bout it bud. Some ppl know what they wanna do and some ppl gotta find it. You’ll find it eventually.
Beans are legumes. Nutritionally they could be seen as a vegetable due to the way we view vegetables but that doesn’t mean they are a vegetable. Still a legume.
Cause the brand of the phone decides how long it stays updated even if its running stock android. So lets say the average life of a Samsung is two - four years why support it longer when you can let it fall outta support to further create a need to upgrade.
Lots of roms let you run really modern android on old phones cause they put in the work. But a company turning a profit does really have a need to support phones for a long time.
Same relationship raven and beast boy have lol
The card system would probably be best where just buy a card and load it up at a kiosk. There would still be potential security vulnerabilities if you were allow someone to "anonymously "view that transaction. Or allow someone to view the card trips. Which would just be logged with its number.
And I’m just more so talking about the current system they have in place. I’m not sure what else they could do utilizing their current system except for forcing some kind of account
A lot of people would argue the second saints row is a masterpiece. Iand saints row is definitely never been about the story
I mean sure they could probably display less information when you punch in that card number. But the biggest sticking point for this is I don’t see how they could create a secure system without forcing you to create an account? Which personally I think would be ridiculous.
If it was actually vulcans they would figure this out so quickly just no way a human would ever be able to fake being a vulcan long enough for them to not “logic” it all out. Now if it was all “spocks” maybe. All humans pretending to be vulcans though. That shit would be prime time vulcan tv.
People should bask in the glory that is my gut fauna leaving behind the potpourri of my people in the bathroom.
The article and quiz talk specifically about these types of vectors for scams. If i assume they are all scams there is a zero % chance i get scanned in this way. Even on the two not a scams they talked about better alternatives to ensure their authenticity which i would have done as soon as i saw any of these “scams” its just a poorly written article that just assumes any wrong answers mean you are more likely to be scammed. I understand there is no way to 100% avoid being scams especially if you just out in the world but the answer from the article is dumb.
Edit: also the censored info made it impossible to tell if it was real.
That doesn’t make sense. Don’t trust Washington post either? Got it.
This quiz is dumb af. The two that weren’t scams didn’t give you enough info to identify if they aren’t and they both just as likely to be scams? And at the end they said it was still possible for me to get scammed even though I called every single item a scam. How am i gonna get scammed if i assume they are all scams?
Two things i love about accessibility. First more people get to play the games. and second it usually lets you turn off those stupid ass mini puzzles and quicktime events developers love so much for some reason.
As far as “voice actors” go. I personally think Keith David is objectively better. That’s not to say what lance Reddick did isn’t iconic and can never be replaced the same. But it’s a great choice to follow such a great act.
The difference is these days are negligible. And Firefox is even beaten Chrome in a few tests
Sometimes it takes a minute for them to approve your application and you to get an email.
Well you see you eat the crayons for the colored poop you play with