I work in a tech-field and for most jobs I’ve been on there’s been core business hours that you’re expected to be in your office which gives all the workers a little bit of flexibility. Core business hours are usually around 10am to 1pm. How it works is you do your 8 hours however you want, so long as the building is open, and you are in the office during core hours. We have a good-sized early morning group, also a smaller group (usually younger) that comes in later in the morning and hang out til 6 and then go out for drinks afterwards. Most of the jobs also allow people to flex their hours within reason. So you can work a 8+ hour day to work a shorter day later.
This little bit of flexibility is so great - allows parents more time with their kids, going to appointments, avoiding traffic, etc. Literally saves you so much in PTO and $$, as well as other residual benefits to your health and wellbeing.
EDIT - For clarity, they usually don’t show semi-flexible/flexible work schedules in job postings, but definitely ask during interviews. Let’s be real, a 4-day, 8-hour/day schedule won’t manifest in this lifetime, so this and WFH are the next best things.
Worked a 2-10pm shift and actually loved it. Its definitely lifestyle-dependent but it suited people who were younger and single. A group of us would go out to bars/clubs right after work and the be able to sleep in. The best part of this middle shift is that its not hard on your circadian rhythm AND you get to avoid most management presence for your shift.