If you haven’t played Anodyne or Lenna’s Inception you 100% need to do so. Lenna’s Inception also has a ‘meta-game’ aspect that is by far the best in it’s genre (beating out Evoland).
There’s also Kudzu (https://megacatstudios.com/products/kudzu) which came out a few weeks ago for the Gameboy and Castaway (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2564860/Castaway/) which the first screenshot on the page should indicate what kind of game it’s striving to be lol.
Whoa. Both those games are exactly what I was looking for. Beyond the Mountains looks like it even uses graphics from the games. I gotta give it a try. Prodigal too. Can’t believe I’ve never heard of those. Thanks!
Mhm, it’s a zelda-like game but I’m looking for things especially close to the Oracle/Awakening games. Thanks though.
I use LibreWolf and various Chromium clones. It’s good enough for me for now. I refuse to support Mozilla in any way past that.
Man I wish there was a good similar alternative. And not Vivaldi that sluggish crapfest.
I will become a modern day frindle.
Redux. I’ve always just used it as a fancier ‘re-do’. Still going to keep using it as such. I like the word too much.
You’ll be fine. Just dont visit shady websites and do fall victim to phishing. The other comments in the thread are good advice too.
Also give this a read since you’re using Python. It could happen to you: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/08/10-malicious-python-packages-exposed-in-latest-repository-attack/
Huh, didn’t know Krita had a mobile port.
Also would never recomend Simple Gallery. Not cause of the recent purchase but because its poorly programmed. Stupid thing botched the images on my phone.
Well Ladder is written in Go. 13ft is written in Python.
Such a good game.
oh well there goes any interest I had in it lol
Yeah but nothings happened with it since then. Songtradr also owns 7digital which is basically the same thing and they havent ruined 7digital.
They (under Epic Games) fired half their workforce. More specifically pretty much everyone who wrote for Bandcamp Daily. Thats about the only change so far.
This is something I’m surprised hasn’t happened more often. Just look at how gung-ho Ferrari is with their lawsuits.
Pfft. If Spotify wants me to up the subscription they should give me the ability to directly download songs.
Think of it like a burner phone. Plus it helps me focus if im not automatically logged into everything.
I like that LibreWolf automatically clears history upon closing.
Very excited by this. Hopefully they go all the way and GPL it. There hasn’t been any mp3 player I’ve enjoyed using as much as Winamp.