We’ve been paying for at least half of that Pueblo to Fort Collins route for about 20 years now… expected to be done in 2074 last I heard. The railroad is a real fuckhead, but also, the project has been mismanaged for sure. Hopefully this kick starts some action.
I laugh at this every time I see it, but I also like to point out that Rage was, in fact, extremely explicit about what machine they were raging against.
Thanks boss, I appreciate it.
That link won’t load for me, can you post the direct link in addition to the alternative link in the main body?
Because it fits nearly every single clause in the UN convention on genocide? Because Israeli officials have admitted on national tv they intend to create “a second nakba”? Because they’re using dehumanizing language to describe Palestinians? Because they’ve admitted their goal is to take over Gaza? Because they’re violently attacking hundreds of people in the West Bank, where Hamas has no presence? Because it is by definition a genocide, and apologia like yours does nothing but try to push people into genocide denial.
All That is pretty popular with my little brothers generation too, it’s on streaming, and Keenan And Kels bits were my brothers favorite parts, though I can’t speak to his friends. But I imagine it’s mostly nostalgia, for sure.
She’s in northern China, north of Beijing.
I forgot to mention, she had initially tried to get a doctor to come to her home and they told her they’re having a shortage of the needed IV drugs because so many people are having this sickness, and she’d need to come in to get it.
My gf caught this, it’s pretty bad. After a week and a half of not getting any better, she finally had to go to the clinic and stay for a few days on IV meds and now she’s finally recovering. She had white spots on her lungs when they scanned them, it scared the crap out of me.
I’m glad for your sake. It’s pretty gross.
No, I see those in Ukraine threads, not specifically on Lemmygrad. Actually, I see it most on lemmy world, overall. Sorry, I should’ve articulated that more clearly.
I have. I’ve still never seen it. What I do constantly see in those threads is dehumanization of Russian people and calls for mass genocide of them, though. Calling them orcs and talking about how they all deserve to die.
I don’t believe you, to be honest. One can acknowledge Russian security concerns (like multiple U.S. military officials and many high members of the UN have) without praising Putin. And I’ve still never seen a single communist say anything good about Putin. On any website.
II hear this constantly, I have yet to see it one time ever by ANY communists on ANY website.
Anti-perspirant makes the rest of my body sweat a lot more as suddenly I can’t just use my pits to cool my body.
In most cases you can, usually it’s a bit more convoluted, like inserting your disk then upgrading through the in-game pop up, or through the dlc menu while the disk is installed.
D2R is very well done, definitely a great remaster.
Ah, so he’s not the god king, just the representative of the god king in absentia, thanks for clarifying that for me. Doesn’t change that I don’t respect anyone who represents or is integrated into a caste-based ethnostate, but it’s good information nonetheless.
Are you the dude who got banned for linking this book on Reddit books? I just saw that on another community. I haven’t read Malatesta yet, I keep slacking on it. Hope you get some good discussion, and sorry I couldn’t contribute more to said good discussion.