A word document is xml
A word document is xml
Wow that’s pretty good
Sometimes I think the future is bleak and nothing good with happen again. Then star trek shows me that there is hope, for… Humanity or something, yeah.
Think that makes you a marquis. As my morals are simple linear transformations of the star trek catalogue, just don’t go blowing up planets and it should be fine.
I really wanted it to be hunter hah. I agree!
Is that nerys or hunter from the owl house?
Computer give them nugget trachea, mouths, and a story to tell!
You should ask Trump, he is a stable genius
The mountain never stood a chance. After this episode obrien beamed the whole thing into the sun
But xlookup is programed in multiple techniques, a broad range of pleasuring
You can see how data is a master of xlookup
What I did (a few years ago now) was add http authentication to the ports where I ran my personal projects and left my projects port public. Don’t think I have to worry about recruiters brute forcing a password, hah.
I think it adds a little credibility to the fact that it’s actually you.
I imagine them walking around like a dog in shoes, hah. Much better than losing a leg though! Truly A marvelous technology and glad he’s OK.
It’s a fake!
The future if text documents were Json: