- Saying “American Healthcare System” there’s no such thing.
There are many, many disparate elements to medicine in the US. Understanding all those elements and how they relate is primary.
There are many, many disparate elements to medicine in the US. Understanding all those elements and how they relate is primary.
Ok, you made me snort, have my upvote.
Why do you like chocolate?
Ice cream?
Brussels Sprouts?
Parallel won’t show current load of a device. Even a clamp type can be thought of as serial, it’s just picking up the EM field instead of actually carrying the current load across the device.
Something in parallel will be powered by the same source, with it’s current load independent of the other device.
(And yes, I had to think about it for a second, it’s not always immediately intuitive for me either.)
12-18 mo?
Can you imagine a datacenter replacing them that often?
Don’t get me wrong, it’s very good advice to remind folks these batteries are a wear item, and to be be prepared to replace them, but if you’re having to replace them at 18 months, I’d be looking for a different, not junk, brand.
Maybe 2 years, if I have bad power so it’s being used, a lot.
I can only imagine batteries wearing this fast because the UPS is cheap and doesn’t have pass-through design, and instead uses the batteries constantly to provide power conditioning.
Syncthing-Fork has been out for years and has more options too
Why do you like chocolate?
If it’s what you want to see, then you should go do that.
Lots of assumption.
The most we can say is intelligence emerged from the increasing complexity of biology, improving survivability for the animal, enabling it to outlive other animals without intelligence.
Anything beyond that is supposition.
Haha, I love the pencil-on-paper design.
Have you ever tried to install non-App Store apps on iOS?
Because I have. It’s very limited.
Is there really any FOSS on iOS?
With the app store cost, and sideloading being so problematic, it makes it much less attractive.
I only disagree with paying a premium for a burger at the other places.
It’s a freakin burger, not a steak. $15+ for a burger is nuts (and I worked in restaurants at one time, so I understand the challenges for them, it’s a tough business).
Meh, fast food burgers, so about the same, and I’ve had both. The whole Whataburger thing is some kind of weird Emperor’s New Clothes.
That exact med. Not the Sudafed with the useless phenylalanine nonsense that has been demonstrated to do fuck all. You may have to ask the pharmacist for it - it’s not prescription but Feds made stores love it behind the counter. Ask for the generic, it’s cheaper. Really works
Side effects suck though, dry mouth, maybe a little agitation. But it’ll clear you right up.
Do we know whether criminals do/don’t wear gloves when loading?
What are the stats on casing fingerprints tying someone to a crime? Are they really that useful or are they a secondary piece of evidence (I genuinely don’t know)?
Also, “criminals” is a large bucket. Are we talking about the average gang member out shooting his rivals probably with a stolen gun that may have been loaded by someone else, then ditched afterwards, or sold? (IIRC, gang shootings comprise something like 85%+ of all shootings).
Plus fingerprints don’t lead you to a suspect, unless they’ve committed a crime before.
I’d say not just cops, it’s more which power brokers are involved and need this contained.
Cops are low-influence actors in such cases. They’re as railroaded as the accused.
What OS would be helpful. I assume you mean Windows.
If running Home, that’s half the problem. It’s got more crap than Pro, and lacks support for Group Policy. If you can run Pro, it’s a big help.
WinDebloat on Github works very well.
Even better is to use the LTSC (Long-term Service Channel) versions of Windows. These already have almost no bloat, and won’t break stuff from updates, because they only get security updates twice a year. No monthly feature updates.
The LTSC link above also has activation scripts, provided by microsoft.
Depends on the state.
There’s a lot of variability in the way it works, even then.
Still probably best to look for something new, right now.
He’s an outside observer, and spot on.
The single greatest problem with medicine in the US is insurance. It makes costs horrendous.
I can pay less out of pocket for certain procedures than my copay.