Lol ah yes, the “fork me daddy!” camp weighing in
Lol ah yes, the “fork me daddy!” camp weighing in
When did they add blackjack and hookers?! That’s a hell of a feature update
Got anything to recommend? I’m a dude with butt and thighs that cause me to size up in the waist routinely, else I get the “pocket handles” thing, or just rip stuff lol.
Edit to add, by way of skin in the game: I used to shop for denim with a “tapered” cut (Levis had / has one, for example). If anything I now think they made the problem visually worse, drawing attention to the situation. I now prefer a pretty traditional straight cut, BUT when I’m overweight enough those may as well feel like JNCOs lol. I’m just barely trim enough at the moment to where a typical straight cut doesn’t feel like my ankles are swimming in fabric. Guess it’s Ankle Tents or Apple Bottom Jeans for the Lads, lol. Or be less chubby, in my case.
I think it’s probably like the other commenter said, just money. I think it may be “the other thing”? Where you can have whatever rules and policies in place at the govt level, but if there’s a “work hard / sacrifice for dumb reasons” culture solidly entrenched at work…well, writing’s on the wall. Do that or be soft-ostracized.
I do think the rules make an impact anywhere there’s a functioning government, just by slowly shifting what people see (accept?) as “normal”.
My policy as well. Non-negotiable hard no. But I’m fortunate enough to have at least some choice with regard to employment.
Okay thank you! Fully understand the subtle difference you described, and it’s interesting. If you feel like saying more, what led you to use these characters? Are there spaces where they’re used more commonly that I’m just ignorant about? I personally found it harder to read, but I’m probably just old lol and would need a bit longer, I do basically like the idea though.
Okay, I’ve seen you in two comment chains now and I can’t help but ask what is going on with your “th” characters? At one point you described the US as “we” so I’m extra puzzled.
But the straw that broke the camel’s back was:
monþ long
I understand having two different characters for lower and upper case, but what the fresh fuck is this one for lol?!
Yeah that was really some trash and made me furious. The one guy just directly stating all the ways we need to help the working class and also saying basically fuck the rich, with the career-long credentials to back it up, and instead we got force-fed Hillary. She was so unlikeable and entitled, it set the Dems (and shit, maybe even women in leadership as a whole) back by like 10 years. Cuz she acted like a shitty stereotype about women that fed right into the misogynists. Such a colossal fuck up, and that really is putting it mildly. I deleted a whole screed of even more forceful complaining, lol.
I did similar, I’m ashamed to admit, except slightly worse - I actually just didn’t vote at all, thinking I was really making my dissatisfaction clear that way. What a dumbass I was, and for the same reasons you described. And while a lot of that was undeniably true and a problem, I also now feel fairly sure the “don’t vote / vote 3rd party” push was an op, and I fell for it like a dope.
I’ve voted in every election I’ve been eligible for before and since 2016, and I will never allow myself to drop the ball like that again. Fuck the DNC but we gotta fight like hell to keep things from getting even worse and they’re all we’ve fuckin got at the moment.
Fucked up, what war does to us.
Heard anything about Mullvad’s browser? You seem knowledgeable about the topic. I use their VPN already, still using Firefox for my browser though. I’m further behind the curve than you are, lol.
What are you using for your browser now?
Thanks for sharing this, hope ya continue 🤙
Aww c’mon, I was gonna deliver this in a much more conspiratorial tone!
Awesome, thank you! This largely matches my own experience, I’ve found it (Claude in my case) most useful in areas where I’m weakest. I haven’t tried this scaffolding-via-comments approach though, it sounds cool.
Any experience with Cursor or other IDEs or agents? Was co-pilot a choice or just kinda a natural default?
Would you mind sharing a bit more about the workflow you’re describing? I’m on a “ask people how they’re using AI to help them dev” kick.
Sounds like you’re using an agent integrated with your IDE, would you be willing to give specifics? And you’re talking about writing some comments that describe some code you haven’t yet written, letting the AI take a stab at writing the code based on your comments, and then working from there? Did I get that right?
Happy for literally any elaboration you feel like giving :)
Completely agree! It’s SO much easier to lighten the mood and keep things upbeat and productive in an actual conversation vs. just text-based feedback. For example it makes it easy to throw in self-deprecating anecdotes of your own when discussing mistakes / needed changes, which can really help put juniors at ease. It’s just worlds better in >90% of scenarios.
Completely understand the frustration here. Mistakes happen, even competent people sincerely trying to do a good job can overlook things, etc. But if it’s a pattern of just copying and pasting code without really even trying to understand what it does, that’s a big problem that needs to be addressed. And frankly they should feel embarrassed if it happens more than once or twice.
OTOH, delivering criticism in a way that winds up productive for all involved is difficult at best, and the outcome depends on the junior as much as it does the senior. What good is being right if it ultimately just alienates you from your team? Tough situation for sure, and one of the many reasons it’s so important to hire carefully (which is itself a whole huge can of worms too!).
Can you simply ask them to walk through their submission line by line with you, explaining what it’s doing? If you’ve never asked that before it might come across as a strange request, but if you phrase it well it’s possible this causes them to notice their poor understanding without you ever seeming to point it out.
Random stranger commenting to say I appreciate how this played out and kudos to you both. This comment chain is a striking example of the exact problem we’ve inherited as a society, and its solution!
Those of us (nearly everyone) abused by the extremely rich have this tendency to lash out at anyone within reach that just miiiight be wealthy enough to be part of the problem. The reality is that you - and literally almost all of us - will never rub elbows, pass in a hallway, even glimpse - the (extremely rich) people actually causing our problems.
That’s the whole fuckin thing, how the misdirection of rage that fuels the whole shebang, is created. You (we) can never even really SEE the people who are doing this to us. We’re all furious, and the villains have been invisible for so long that we’ve gone dumb - attacking one another, fellow sufferers - has become damn near instinctual.
The solution (or part of it) is right here in y’all’s comment chain too - just a sudden realization that the person doing a little bit better than you (us) has nothing to do with your difficulties. It’s almost always the fault of the invisible, antihuman greed monsters.
LOL I like it, take it one step further too: “…and you’ll be hearing about this shit during my performance review!”