I strongly disagree… We just have higher standards regarding power wires. Since we have more voltage running through the wires we need tougher ones, but that is what regulation is for
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I strongly disagree… We just have higher standards regarding power wires. Since we have more voltage running through the wires we need tougher ones, but that is what regulation is for
I mean it is hard to find out if they are the exact same, since power strips often don’t specify it, but from handling both I’d say they are pretty much the same…
I think it is partly a US specific problem as the quality of the extension cords really suck. Meanwhile in Eurpoe (or at least in Germany) the extension cords actually use the same wire grade as your in wall wires, so there is a basically no difference in using daisy chained extension cords versus different wall outlets (as long as the outlets are in the same curcuit)
very nice. I will give it a try as well (after the holidays though)
I don’t really understand the readme. Is the creation done in a cli or in the jellyfin UI?
I was missing this feature in jellyfin and this would be really great (I switched from plex which has it and I used it a lot 😅)
I had the exact same problem and the solution was to ask my ISP who then either just gave me a public IP (Vodafone) or asked for money so my network could be reached from the outside (Primerocom). So check whether there is an option with you ISP to get a “public” IP.
Thanks for the tips. I’ll probably check out Farthest Frontier as it seems pretty great and has been recommended before 😊
I actually have that, though I thought that it is not challenging enough. I’ve had the feeling that I hit the endgame pretty early and that not much is happening 🤔
I am on linux and I think it is not working there, though even if it did, I always forget to cancel those kinda subscriptions, so it’d not really an option for me… Though great tip for others
Sounds great. I’ll wishlist it for now and research it a bit more. I have way too much games already, but I just love this kinda game 😅
I have not looked at it. What makes Farthest Frontier great?
Would be interesting to hear how much progress the game made in the ~3 months
I will think about that. My biggest concern is actually the price. Even the reduced 29.99$ is a bit steep for a not so deep early access game imo 🤔
been using the flatpack for months and had no issues so far
Zulip is pretty nice and I think it resembled discord the most out of the software I know
I like Nextcloud very much but this release (and the one before it) are really enterprise focused for which I don’t have a use case…
I meant it sarkastically, hence the 🥸
always . freaking . debian
No can do. That would drive prices down and that hurts our economy 🥸
Its higher voltage,but yes It does. However the higher standards take care of that, so you don’t have too weak power cables available