This is definitely a great move by Russia. Try picking a fight with Sweden AND Finland? Big brain move there. So Russia, how is the Black Sea fleet doing? Tsushima will be a footnote if you try NATO.
This is definitely a great move by Russia. Try picking a fight with Sweden AND Finland? Big brain move there. So Russia, how is the Black Sea fleet doing? Tsushima will be a footnote if you try NATO.
The latest “Suchomimus” video on yt said these were destroyed with FPV drones via a marine drone. We have seen one of the magura type drones with an FPV bay in them, holding at least 4 drones. If this is the case, this is an amazing new weapon. Ukraine will be using these to hit smaller targets that would otherwise have to use longer range missiles, which are in short supply.
I hate all these headlines saying “Ukraine shuts off gas pipeline”. The simple fact is that the original contract has ended and Russia refuses to pay the new price for gas transit. What is this new price, you ask? Simple, to turn the pipeline back on, Russia just needs to go home. Ukraine would let it go for free in exchange for Russia to fuck right off and leave.
Current photo of the Ursa major, now promoted to Russian submarine.
200=dead, 300=injured. Russian treat their personal as cargo. Cargo 200 is the code for bodies shipped home. 300 came to be the code for injured returning home, but has since been used as a code for any injured service member.
How about a new red line from the US, 100 Tomahawks per dead POW, and no restrictions.
Well, if Iran can send missiles to Russia, I don’t see why we can’t do the same. I bet we have a few thousand extra Tomahawks that could be delivered to Russia via the Ukrainian delivery service.
I think the USN could spare 4-500 Tomahawks. Send those over and see how well Putin’s airfields fare with that.
Amazing! An appearance of “track suit slav” in 2024.
I just want Biden to get off his ass and “sell” about 1k of the more than 2k we have in storage. We are replacing the Bradley anyway, and there is no way the A2’s we have in storage will ever be upgraded. I bet we could sell them to the Brits for $1 a piece and let them send them on to Ukraine, no republicanRussia simps needed. Imagine 1000 of these running around the front lines.
What a great Christmas present! I hope the invaders have a boomin new year.
I clocked 4.5 seconds to apex. How high is that?
Finns and Ukrainians working together to kill Russians warms my heart.