If you enjoyed this, try Jet Lag on YouTube. It’s by the team who create Half as Interesting. Naturally it is on a more YouTube friendly budget, but they do a lot with it! Series 4 where they travel across New Zealand is likely the closest to Race Across the World in terms of seeing a lot of a place.
Since ditching Netflix due to their household change, I’ve been working my way through the other streaming services. One thing I used Netflix for a lot was for their Korean content. Imagine my surprise to discover that Disney+ actually has a small but decent catalogue. Currently watching ‘The Zone’ and it is a pretty decent K-Variety show.
Closer to home, I’m continuing my rewatch of Dr. Who leading up to New New Who starting in November. I’m following a guide online to remind me of which episodes that are worth skipping. I’ve seen them all before, so no big miss to skip some that I didn’t enjoy that much.