I don’t know/remember many details of what I’ve read, but I think the campaign built a lot on the comedy show (there are a few short videos on YouTube with subtitles)
I don’t know/remember many details of what I’ve read, but I think the campaign built a lot on the comedy show (there are a few short videos on YouTube with subtitles)
Friends stopped writing their blogs. I slowly stopped reading most comics, now only Questionable Content and the occasional xkcd remains
Fortran, probably
I loved netvibes to get daily comics and blog posts. Unfortunately people stopped writing blogs and netvibes is also gone
If I remember correctly he was playing in a comedy as a guy who gets kinda accidentally elected, and based on the show he was kinda accidentally elected - half as a protest, half as a joke.
It’s like a small pitcher with a movable filter, you put in the ground coffee, hit water, stir, wait, push down the filter with the grounds, pour off the coffee with most of the ground staying in the French press.
They moved from python?
Kerbal Space program wasn’t on the list, and maybe OpenTTD? The latter is also great when you have a random setup (the game is 10Mb, runs in anything and has zero needs) and have only 20 minutes to play.
I use that to annoy the same friend and send a random hedgehog fact in a text message from a random number.
“Despite their land-dwelling reputation, hedgehogs are good swimmers:they can swim across streams and ponds if necessary. Subscribe for more hedgehog facts!”
Skype is great when your flight is delayed, and you have some remaining cash in it from 15 years ago
Here only those data are available for search that are older than 100 years in case of birth certificates and maybe 50 for deaths. So you would need to know at least your grandparents’ birth data to start…
It depends… Are we speaking about keeping only tall blonde kids? Or aborting a fetus with 95% Down syndrome? Angelman’s? Some other even worse? Stopping a possibility fatal pregnancy? Where do you put the line?
Not if you already don’t look at the keyboard while typing, plus you use multiple layouts
I strongly disklike any subscription, but having to choose between paying for a high-end gaming rig that I rarely have the opportunity to use and paying 10$ or so for renting a cloud VM instance for the few months I get through a game, I choose the latter. Also, upgrading hardware is somebody else’s problem.
I happen to rarely read recently published books, so I paid for an ebook a single time. In a series of eight books, each of them had an appendix saying “this file was formatted on purpose for torrenting. The estimated cost of producing the book is roughly 5.27$. If you liked it here’s my bank account and my website if you’d like to buy the book on paper”.
Yeah. Way worse that the cup thing or the Japanese eel stuff or the others. That crap still haunts me
But you just told the computer to ignore case…
So, basically the start of The Swarm? Great.
I don’t think you can make up these kind of things
No time to unplug the cables, I have an axe