Why would you need to take your stuff home?
Why would you need to take your stuff home?
It’s so absurdly big. Our galaxy (the Milky Way) is estimated to have between 100 and 400 billion stars in it. For a long time we thought our galaxy was all there was, it wasn’t until 1925 when Edwin Hubble was able to prove that M31 was not a nebula or cluster of stars in our galaxy, but in fact an entirely different galaxy altogether that we realized there are more galaxies out there.
Look at the Hubble Ultra Deep Field picture
This was a taken by pointing the Hubble Space Telescope at a basically empty bit of space 2.4 by 2.4 arcminutes in size (for comparison, the moon has an apparent size of about 30 arcminutes, or half a degree). So an absolutely tiny part of the sky. It contains about 10.000 galaxies.
The observable universe is estimated to have between 200 billion and 2 trillion galaxies in it, with on average about 100 billion stars per galaxy. It’s absolutely mind blowing.
The power of not employing minimum-wage 16 year olds who don’t give a shit.
Which is how fast?
And what is the memory bandwidth on these APUs?
you’d definitely be able to do it cheaper with PC hardware.
You can get a GPU with 192GB VRAM for less than a Mac? Sign me up please.
So buy land, dump trash on it. Got it.
Oh, I get to choose health insurance too. Only it’s not linked to my employer. And they all have to offer the same coverage. And they can’t refuse you for the basic health insurance.
The OP mentions he uses Comcast, which is an American ISP. I myself live in ‘socialist’ Europe and I can choose from 13 different ISP on fiber alone. Surely OP who lives in ‘free-market’ USA must have an unimaginable number of options.
Why not switch to a non-shit ISP?
That doesn’t really work if people from other instances do get to downvote.
I’m on lemmy.one which has disabled downvoting. If I had known in advance I would have picked another instance. Unfortunately, Lemmy doesn’t have a mechanism to transfer your account to another instance yet.
Learning to program has little to do with learning a language. You need to learn how to think and solve problems in a certain way. You need to learn a bunch of theory that gives you a solid foundation to build upon.
Learning a new language, especially one as simple as C, is trivial. You pick whatever language best suits the problem you’re trying to solve.
If you’re looking to expand your programming skills I’d recommend picking up a language that is very different from what you are used to. Something that makes you think differently. For example: I think every programmer could benefit from playing around with a functional language like Haskell.
Same goes for carbon steel. Unless you’re frying sticks of dynamite they are practically indestructible.
Lights using a 18650 seem to be the rage these days, at crazy cheap prices, but they all use some UI with clicks, holds, etc.
I have an Olight Seeker Pro 4 and it’s pretty simple to use. The on/off button rotates and controls the intensity. You do have to either hold it for a few seconds to turn it on or rotate the button 90º and then click but that’s unavoidable with these kinds of flashlights.
These lights are very small and yet very powerful. That means you can easily pocket them, but because they are so powerful they also get very hot. You don’t want a flashlight like this to accidentally turn on while in your pocket. If you look at these lights, the head is almost always ribbed, it’s basically a heatsink. Even then when you run them at full strength they usually throttle themselves down after a few minutes to prevent overheating.
They are also very different organizations with very different goals.
NASA is focussed on science, they are trying to learn as much as possible about our solar system and the universe.
SpaceX by contrast is focussed on engineering. They aren’t trying to find life on Mars, they are trying to build the ferry service to it.
When NASA built rockets back in the 60’s, space flight was a science problem. We needed to figure out if it was even possible to do so. Can we even get a capsule into space? Can humans survive in zero gravity? Nowadays space flight is an engineering problem. We know it’s possible, we know the math, but can we actually build those things?
Or just install a door on your bathroom and hang the toilet roll over.
Can’t believe no one has suggested this yet: Melodies of Life from Final Fantasy IX
The idea being you can just do a withdrawal through the teller
No bank in my country (the Netherlands) still offers this service. You can only get cash at an ATM, if you can find one.
Personally, I can’t remember the last time I handled physical money.
ID verification using a picture taken of the ID is practically worthless. It is trivial to fake.