This is my use case and experience as well.
This is my use case and experience as well.
here’s no way the US would fail to gain air superiority.
We achieve Air Superiority and then use that to build a McDonalds and a Starbucks on every street corner. It’s a perfect plan!
I had to check this, and it seems you are right?
I don’t really blame anyone for not knowing. It wasn’t discussed much in mainstream media.
When war was a reality, a lot of countries stepped up help a lot, but it took a while to arrive…
Sadly true. Like many Americans if I’d had my way our response would have been faster and more direct. We have an outsized military for a reason and If I’d been the American President I’d have used that Big Stick to beat every Russian in your country to death. In two weeks Putin would have ceased trying and this would have been over and done with.
You stop a bully by punching them in the face so hard they forget their name and that’s exactly what America should have done. You just needed 14 days of our Air Power and sadly we weren’t willing to lend it to you.
Yeah, I kind of confused the two. The problem is mostly in the ball bearings but the races they go in also require tight tolerances and metal hardness that 2nd rate manufacturers can’t really match.
Ukraine got nothing from USA half of 2023 and start of 2024.
There was 100 Million the month before, in November of 2023.
As near as I can tell the longest run was January of 2024 into April of 2024 which is only 4 months. Still too long but that’s way different than 8 months.
I think you are misremembering the political theater around approving more for 2024 and interpreting it to mean we didn’t send anything in the back half of 2023.
Of course Ukraine is getting help now, but they managed to fight back in the start of the war, even before any help had arrived.
I don’t mean to downplay Ukraine’s fighting spirit but they had a shit ton of help even before the war started! Trump, fuck that guy, had loaded them up with Small Arms and Javelin Missiles (stuff that Obama had refused to send) before the war kicked off. The US, the UK, and Canada, had also spent more than two years re-training the Ukrainian Armed Forces so that it wouldn’t be a repeat of 2014.
Then between 2014 and 2019 the United States alone spent nearly 2 Billion dollars assisting Ukraine. Even before the war started the U.S. was 90% of Ukraine’s foreign military assistance!
Ukraine has fought and bled to keep their country and there’s no question that many brave Patriots over there have given everything they could, all glory to them. However this idea that Ukraine was going it alone the first while isn’t true at all and its very disrespectful to its Allies and Partners to make that claim.
Ukraine has done without US aid for 8 months already, when the house blocked all aid from USA.
Huh? The US has sent military aid nearly every month since at least April of 2024. The House did manage to interrupt the flow while they had a slapfight around military funding for Israel but that was resolved long ago. Heck, another 5.5 Billion was announced just 60 days ago!
Could, and should, the US be doing more? Absolutely! However to say that we haven’t done anything for 8 months is completely absurd.
Can’t run trains without bearings for the train wheels and nearly all of those kinds of bearings are made in the west.
Obviously the “4 days from collapse” in that article was exaggerated but the lack of maintenance parts, like bearings, is obviously taking its toll on the Russian train system.
Oh and China can’t make good ones either. They found that out the hard way when they screwed Germany.
But why were the Decembers cut off?
Because the the December 2024 numbers aren’t available yet so they did a YTD comparison of January through November for each year. It’s a fair comparison.
You don’t, which why (aside from cost) nations don’t use them as toys.
50s / M / North America and I lived “Ye Old Days” when A/S/L was created.
Everyone blaming Trump (fuck that guy) is missing the forest for the trees.
Europe should have ceased relying on the United States for security as soon as it substantially recovered from WWII. That it didn’t has been a bone of contention since before the collapse of the U.S.S.R.
IMO, the most effective method weapon would be a steam roller
The most effective weapon would be a steam roller equipped with a machine gun that fires lightsabers.
For instance, suppressing fire; you can’t suppress zombies, because they don’t care if they get shot, and it only matters if they get shot in the head.
This makes my teeth itch. I realize that this is NCD but…
Without claiming outright magic damage to muscle and bone still matters. A bipedal creature absolutely requires certain muscles and bones to remain upright. If a zombie gets hit with a rifle round that blows out a 3" chunk of its spine then it can’t stand up. That kind of damage is easily done with a 30 caliber rifle round (7.76) let alone the venerable .50 caliber. Even the relatively small .223 / 5.56 that’s carried by standard infantry will remove muscle and break bones.
Your average grunt is going to figure out real quick where and how they need to shoot in order to slow or stop these things. If head shots aren’t possible and it takes too much ammo for body shots they’ll start aiming for the knees and ankles, because again that zombie can’t run / shamble at you if it has no feet or it’s ankle or knee has been blown into a hundred pieces.
So when Tommy Tactical or Isaac Infantry mag dumps 20 rounds of 5.56 into a zombie it may not be “dead” but it sure as shit has taken critical damage to its musculoskeletal system and will almost certainly not able to stand upright. Ol’ Mike the Mighty on the Ma Deuce will reduce a hundred zombies into a quivering pile in 60 seconds or less all by himself.
That zombie horde will be a lot less dangerous and easy to clean up once it’s crawling on the ground with all the speed of a toddler.
If they show up I hand out the candy and I’ve been doing it that way for decades. No telling some kid or teens situation in life and there’s no need in making it harder on them.
Russia is teetering on the brink of it right now.
I have no idea what is or isn’t a lot of data for a university beyond scaling how much stuff is on my own PC
Yeah, judged on a “home user” scale 150TB may seem like a lot but it really isn’t when you’re talking about Government / University / Enterprise.
Just one of the servers I have under management is currently using 49TB and there’s another one in that rack using 40TB. That ~90TB (over half of what’s in the article) for just two servers in a single rack at a single company.
High resolution still images and video will get you there pretty easily.
I didn’t know about Canada and after thinking about it for a minute the United States does something similar for the States with .gov. Many, if not all, States have their own subdomain such as,, and
Honestly it’s always seemed wrong and somewhat confusing that non-country specific TLDs, such as .gov, are dedicated to the United States.
They were supposed to but here in the US as of mid-2024 some 40% of them hadn’t yet done so. I wonder how far the RotW has gotten with it.
I haven’t seen it discussed but I do wonder if this is at the root of the Telco hack the US experienced / is still experiencing.
Edit: The EU nations are very much a mixed bag and some of the largest EU countries, such as Germany, not only still have Huawei gear in their 5G networks but it doesn’t have to be removed until the end of 2026!