I often listen to TNG or DS9 or VOY as I know many of us do to fall asleep
Fuck, I’m not the only on who does this?!?!?
Sorry. Do you mean Neelix? He was cool, the relationship arc in the series was tedious, as most relationship arcs are to me.
I know very very little about India, but it seems like the country is going the neoliberal route of Amerika, bringing some limited wealth, but a heap ton of poverty and stress/competition for those who do have a job. I admire India for their educational system, how hard working and responsibly their citizens are, and how much their country has grown since independence (a difficult feat).
I know that not every Indian is a BJP member, but that’s gotta be embarrassing frustrating as MAGA is in the US. I’ve seen some center-right Indian friends go hard right these last few years. This seems to be everywhere now, though, not just India.
Don’t at me, this is from a place of profound ignorance.
Edit: changed a word so I don’t come off like a racist prick
I checked the modlog. I don’t see anything nefarious or overbearing.
The incel nerd guy is a victim of a data breach.
Fuck Bill Barr. His commentary on Bill Maher was centrist at best. I’ll never forgive him for the other fucked up shit he said, or at least until he actually apologises (spoiler: he won’t).
I know that I was almost an adult when Harry Potter came out, but I really tried to get into them as everyone else loved them, but the writing was flat af.
I was a huge Tom Clancy fan as a teen. Thank fucking God I grew out of that shit, or otherwise I’d be a massive chud. The worst fucking part of his books is the way he writes women and relationships, every woman needs to be rescued, and they have no personality of their own.
It’s a bit unfair and unreasonable, but I try avoid mistakes that are very obvious to management. Like coming in late, not finishing reports that that checked, missing deadlines, etc. I’m not suggesting it, but half-assing something that won’t be noticed is safer.
It’s a bit shit, but I’d try to be extra good when starting a new position, ya. Being nice and agreeable in the beginning is helpful too.
I’m literally sorry that our system is like this.
NGL I saw the title and didn’t expect much from this. Good effort post, way to change my mind on this topic.
Professional wrestling was real
I imagine that the holodeck episodes (“We’re stuck in 1990s LA”) is when they gave the costume crew the day off.
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I sent him a few 3 message to see how he was doing. NGL we weren’t super tight before COVID, we never hung out outside of work, and people not masking around me really drove a wedge between us. I’m trying hard not to justify what happened, but who knows maybe I am a little bit.
Weird way to avoid the Epstein island, charter school proponent, weird bullshit in Africa guy, literally at war with open source guy discussion.
Hey I’m sorry that I made an abbreviation for a naughty word.
In communist North Korea, over a million died from COVID, 45,000 die a year from lack of health insurance, and 200,000 die annually from poverty.
I had a workmate develop a chronic illness after an infection of COVID, and he had to leave under hardship. People that hung out with him as best mates for years stopped talking to him in a matter of days.
Capitalism seems to be going great in 2023, I don’t know where you’re getting this from.
Honestly it’s cool. Personally I try to be very objective, scientific, and factual about stuff, but I’ve 100% been wrong about things in the past. I think the measure of a person is their ability to admit a mistake in the face of irrefutable evidence against their POV.
Also non scientific bodies have been chiming in to promote the theory. With the whole anti-China thing going on, it’s gotten a lot more traction that it should have. If the superstructure wants this idea to become mainstream, it can and did.