Nice comment. I donated to Feed the Children in your name.
Nice comment. I donated to Feed the Children in your name.
Excellent write up, I donated to Feed the Children in your name.
This is why the US needs to switch to metric.
Just guessing here, but I’d assume it’s because the unborn have potential and the bad guys had their chance. I don’t agree, but that’s what I assume being around some people like that…
I like cold pickles (especially kraut) on my hot food. It adds a little “spice” to what’s going on in my mouth.
There are other sugar alcohols out there that are just as dangerous, and are slipped into all kinds of foods, especially those designed to be lower in sugar (whether it’s branded that way or not), so ALWAYS check the label before feeding pets any processed human foods, as u/Catpurple mentioned above.
I don’t want to hurt anybody. If that means avoiding a few words or phrases, I’m happy to do that.
Samson by Regina Spektor has to be up there for me.
Our schools are generally underfunded and hardly anyone with any real power gives two shits.
You boys can fuck right off.
Not only that, but iirc they are packaged in liquid form and it solidifies into flat sheets as they are pressed together.
I think any of the books Mary Roach would suit you. They are easy to read, yet are brimming with science explained in a fascinating and unintimidating way.
Her book Stiff is prolly my favorite. It explains what happens to the body starting with death, and covers medical, forensic, and funerary subjects (among others). Fascinating.
TL;DR he was too old.
“Vaniller ice cream” is my go-to when explaining this.
I would assume having an Australian IP address may sway the algo as well.