If your list of enemies includes the ADL, then there’s a more-than-reasonable chance that you’re an anti-semite.
Likewise if your loudest defenders are, themselves, loud and proud anti-semites.
I’m a total browser slut.
At work, I use Firefox as my main browser. I had been using Edge to access the Chromium rendering engine, but I’ve recently switched over to Arc.
At home, I recently exchanged Safari for Orion and Edge for Arc, with Firefox for when I work from home.
I used to have Opera installed for times when a VPN came in handy.
All on Mac
Don’t stick your fork in the light socket!
Seems like the Venn diagram of those two groups approaches a circle, if the OP is any indication.
Do either of them support forwarding messages from another domain? I’ve worked places that blocked my personal email, so I’ve mostly used Gmail to forward my personal domain.
I wanted to like BeOS so much. I even have a VM with Haiku on it. I occasionally spin it up, gawk at how retro-cool the UI is, look around at everything I’d like to be able to do, realize I can’t seem to find any usable software for it, close it and try again in six months.
I’ve been a loyal System/MacOS/OS X/macOS user since System 6. From the first time I sat down at a Mac, it’s the only OS family that allows me to forget that I’m using a computer and just do things.
Architecturally the Classic MacOS was a hacked-together mess (though I was pretty good about managing my extensions, and I put together some pretty impressive uptime with my old Power Macs), but the UI was incredibly fast and responsive. Even on my M2 Pro Mini I don’t believe I can navigate my filesystem as quickly or as easily as I could on my OG iMac running 9.2. And I’d still love to visit an alternate universe where macOS evolved from the Server 1.0 UI rather than the Aqua UI.
OS X/macOS feels a little more cumbersome, a little less personal. I don’t always love all the new features Apple pushes in its new releases. (IDEK with the new Settings menu.) And I really didn’t love the hoops I had to jump through to get PHP running on my Mini (I could have gone with an all-Homebrew setup, but I wanted to keep things relatively uncomplicated). The last version of macOS I unabashedly loved was 10.14 Mojave. But in the end, I appreciate all the things that bringing Unix to the Mac allows me to do, and there’s enough of the old MacOS DNA that I’m still mostly able to sit down, forget I’m using a computer, and just get my work done. That’s what I look for in an OS.
I maintain a number of Drupal websites as part of my job. Our stakeholders have varying degrees of familiarity with the ins and outs of computing.
A few months ago I got a ticket from one of our stakeholders. Apparently PDF files were broken across large swathes of their site. What happened was Red Hat pushed through an update to apache that closed some security loopholes. As an unexpected side effect, it also meant that any files being served from Drupal’s private file system would break if the files contained spaces in the names. No rewrite rules seemed to fix the issue; we ended up having to go into the rendered HTML and replace all the spaces in the links with ‘+’ signs. They are now told to make sure future files have underscores instead of spaces in the filename.
So yes, in some cases you still need to use _ (or some sort of non-space character) in file names, even today.
I cant imagine how many accessories will be rendered useless or at least inconvenient to use after this change. Probably gonna be an ewaste disaster.
On the upside, everyone in this thread bitching about Apple hanging on to Lightning for all these years will have something new to hate them for, thus maintaining balance in the universe.
IANA tax attorney, and I’ve always had more time than losses, so I’ll defer to your wisdom 😅 I also didn’t claim he was smart …
At this point it’s foolish not to consider this as possibly the greatest tax writeoff in history. Elmo is setting himself up to never pay another dime in taxes the rest of his life. Not that he probably pays that much as it stands, but still.
I don’t know if that’s across the board. I overwrote and deleted my accounts after Apollo shut down. Waited a week, checking in periodically, to see if any of my content made it back into my accounts. After a week of nothing resurfacing I felt safe deleting my accounts.
deleted by creator
If I still had my Reddit accounts I’d be P I S S E D
Macbeth: A Dagger of the Mind, by Harold Bloom. I’m preparing for a production of the play this fall and a friend passed this copy to me. I’m not a huge Bloom fan but he has interesting insights into the play.
redirecting users to Lemon Party
I guess it’s true; the Fediverse is bringing people back to an earlier time of the internet!
I felt like he was very up front about how the current system, as unfriendly to users as it is, is what has made it possible for him to make a living doing what he loves to do. He even comes out at the end and says if big companies can’t figure out a post-advertising business model, they’ll likely die off, and that means he and people like him are out of a job, ‘and that’s probably the best scenario for users.’ Both ideas — that ad-funded internet ruined the internet, and that ad-funded internet allowed him and thousands of people like him to make a living on that internet — can be true at the exact same time.
1 main account, 1 alt account. This is a use case where I fully appreciate the separation caused by federation; my alt account is on a separate instance and therefore is completely, wholly separate from my main.
Can’t believe nobody else has mentioned him yet