Oh that’s what everyone was talking about… Well, i’m glad that I’ve got my BeeHaw at least
Oh that’s what everyone was talking about… Well, i’m glad that I’ve got my BeeHaw at least
See this confuses the hell out of me. I’ve NEVER been prevented from using ChatGPT by a queue. It’s always saying that it’s a downside to not paying for it but seems like I just always choose the times that no one is using it.
I’m a DM using ChatGPT to help me build things for my DnD campaign/world and not telling my players. Does that count? I still do most of the heavy lifting but it’s nice to be able to brainstorm and get ideas bounced back. I don’t exactly have friends to do that with.
I’m not going to lie. I had the same issue with the klingons at first. Not over their appearance, funnily enough. I thought it was an interesting take and considering the fact that klingons in TOS just looked like dudes I waved away an alien race looking a bit different. The thing that enraged me was the language. Either the dude who played T’kuvma had no time to practice Klingon or he had a truly terrible false teeth set that made it impossible for him to speak Klingon.
I did completely discount Discovery until Season 2 started and I decided to give it another shot by starting from the top. I’m so very glad I did. I have critiques of all the shows, and I mean OG and Nu, but I still love them all the same. Me being a gay dude and finally getting proper representation in Star Trek does mean that Discovery did get into my good graces very quickly. It’s just nice to see a character that’s like me for a change instead of sitting through the 17 trillionth heterosexual love story.
The roads, the bridges, the healthcare system, the airports, the rail system, the ports, the housing system, the education system, people of color, any minorities, the electoral system, the unions, the job market, the credit rating, and any government department that isn’t military would disagree with that assessment. Only thing shiny in the US is the military and the police.
It just outright is a third would country and has the obsession with state sanctioned killing to prove it.
Honestly the constant bitching about ‘NuTrek’ is what makes me avoid Star Trek fans most of the time. I can rattle off episode names, quote the show, cite lines in episodes. Hell, I technically worked on a Trek show. Nothing makes me more embarassed than the incessant bitching and whining about how the new stuff isn’t canon or how it supposedly breaks canon or how the writing sucks. People who have legitimate criticisms, voice them as such, but are still polite or at least optimistic? You people are heroes. But the rest of you who just throw stuff at the show and say how it sucks? Fuck y’all. We are getting new Star Trek after the franchise being abandoned for years and your first reaction is to bitch and whine.
Hell yes it’s all canon. Hell yes the animation is amazing. I have a UFP flag on my wall and I’m proud of it.
Well that’s gonna be a major yikes from me dawg. I knew it was bad when Reddit had to be shamed by CNN before they removed /r/jailbait. I knew it got worse during the 2016 election. But my god this is just fucking insane.
Okay. So I’ve gotta find a feature recommendation thing. The ability to block certain words.
5 days ago I had no idea who the hell Linus was. Now my front page is filled with a bunch of random communities all talking about him.
This is fucking exhausting. I’m tired of the endless bickering over internet drama. Is this a problem? Yes. Should they be held responsible? Yes. Does every fucking community that is tangentially related need to be talking about it? No.