Florida has a checkpoint for plants and possible invasive species, definitely not for firetrucks helping people though.
Florida has a checkpoint for plants and possible invasive species, definitely not for firetrucks helping people though.
“Have you ever tried simply turning off the TV, sitting down with your children, and hitting them?”.
-Bender Rodriguez
Also “Not gonna lie…” to start a sentence. Well thank you for that decency?
Drop leaflets to them which say “surrender and we won’t send you back to NK”, simple.
Can’t pay our teachers above poverty level, but here’s billions for war any time.
deleted by creator
Busy touching it’s forehead to the ground five times a day instead of progressing it’s culture or human’s rights in any way.
They cannot engineer a stop to the cracking and the leak, only replace the injectors all with new parts, which would cause a backorder millions deep. So the shitty company is saying “the shitty car leaks fuel and we can’t fix it so we made a funnel for gas so you can’t notice if it happens. Also it may be more fire resistant? Good luck!”
I’m not sure where to find the bow on an airplane? Is it near the aileron or the conflabulator?
Rent plus a middle finger?
Jaywalking? Fuckin life with no parole.
The Turbine Jew is the sneakiest of them all.
He never says Legolas in this scene, just awkward stares as he’s like “and…you…”
Fucking hilarious at parts, definitely a Mel Brooks production. Worth a watch through once for sure
If he keeps it up, this might be his first election with less than 130% of the vote in favor of him.
Pizza hut!
Yep yep yep.
It’s one of those “shithole” states he doesn’t acknowledge