On patreon he recently made a poll asking if theres interest for himt to make one.
Im using the new 10€ for unlimeted searches plan.
I’ve beem very happy after switching to kagi.
A phobia is irrational.
Its not techically french soil. That’s not hkw embassies work.
I sugest blocking this community then lmao
Edit: you’re active in PCM, please throw your phone off a bridge.
Agreed, very happy i used mozzila relay to sign up for duolingo lol.
A faster CPU with a power limit applied lol
You can run headscale to do your own validation.
Use home assistant to automate your s-300 lmao
I use Mozilla Relay. Thaz way i can also instantly block all mail to the compromised address
The cloud is just someone else’s computer and hard drives are cheap. Always keep a local copy.