I have several at home
I have several at home
Printed circuit boards. Printing press. Graph theory. Theory of relativity. Homeopathy.
We do have drive-through restaurants and even some drive-in supermarkets in the center of cities. I just missed my train yesterday because the bus got stuck in traffic. I really hate how car-brained my country is (honorable mentions to exceptions: Hradec Králové, Pardubice and the other few towns in the Elbe lowland that have embraced bike infrastructure to about the standards of an average German town)
An item on my bucket list has been to create a map with “gradients” (really just 1-minute rectsngular bands) of what time the high noon is in that location. This map is just a subset of that, coloring red the areas with an over-30-minute offset. I’d make one for January and one for July to account for DST on both hemispheres.
I’ll probably convert a publicly available timezone shapefile into a Plate Carée (or similar) projection SVG, create a “gradient” spanning the entire globe and then use it as texture for the SVG shapes, horizontally offset appropriately.
I don’t want to desolder all the relays off this washing machine board to throw it away only to find out I needed a double optocoupler!
Don’t get me started on the broken or obsolete thrown away shit I keep around “for parts or that one time I might need it”
Well, last week I finally soldered the cut cables of the otherwise working basic (literally a transformer, bridge rectifier, fuse and voltmeter) 12V lead acid battery charger from 2007 I found earlier this year to charge a tractor battery, so that’s a plus
CCTV IS A CRIME! Open the circuit!
As opposed to Twitter, right? Right??
When do you think NATO was founded, 1850?
You are correct. Although Sweden was not in NATO as of making of this meme, Swedish was still included as one of Finland’s official languages. I used the corresponding Wikipedia articles for translation, and the German one happened to use Organisation des Nordatlantiksvertrags or ONAV.
Swedish is Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen
Acronym | Title | Language |
ОСАД | Организацията на Северноатлантическия договор | bg Bulgarian 🇧🇬 |
ОСАД | Организација на Северноатлантскиот договор | mk Macedonian 🇲🇰 |
SAA | Severoatlantická aliance | cs Czech 🇨🇿 |
NATO | Nordatlantisk Traktat-Organisation | da Danish 🇩🇰 |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | en English 🇬🇧🇺🇸🇨🇦 |
Nato | Den nordatlantiske traktats organisasjon | no Norwegian 🇳🇴 |
ONAV | Organisation des Nordatlantikvertrags | de German 🇩🇪🇱🇺🇧🇪 |
ΟΒΑΣ | Οργανισμός Βορειοατλαντικού Συμφώνου | el Greek 🇬🇷 |
OTAN | Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte | es Spanish 🇪🇸 |
OTAN | Organisation du traité de l`Atlantique nord | fr French 🇫🇷🇨🇦🇱🇺🇧🇪 |
OTAN | Organizzazione del Trattato dell`Atlantico del Nord | it Italian 🇮🇹 |
OTAN | Organização do Tratado do Atlântico Norte | pt Portugese 🇵🇹 |
OTAN | Organizația Tratatului Atlanticului de Nord | ro Romanian 🇷🇴 |
PALO | Põhja-Atlandi Lepingu Organisatsioon | et Estonian 🇪🇪 |
PAPL | Pohjois-Atlantin puolustusliitto | fi Finnish 🇫🇮 |
ÉASS | Észak-atlanti Szerződés Szervezete | hu Hungarian 🇭🇺 |
AB | Atlantshafsbandalagið | is Icelandic 🇮🇸 |
ONAT | Organisatioun vum Nordatlantik-Traité | lb Luxembourgish 🇱🇺 |
ŠASO | Šiaurės Atlanto Sutarties Organizacija | lt Lithuanian 🇱🇹 |
ZALO | Ziemeļatlantijas Līguma organizācija | lv Latvian 🇱🇻 |
OSAS | Organizacija Severnog Atlantičkog sporazuma | me Montenegrin 🇲🇪 |
OSAS | Organizacija Sjevernoatlantskog sporazuma | sh Croatian 🇭🇷 |
NAVO | Noord-Atlantische Verdragsorganisatie | nl Dutch 🇳🇱🇧🇪 |
OTPA | Organizacja Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego | pl Polish 🇵🇱 |
DAB | Davvi-Atlántta bealuštuslihttu | se North Sámi 🇳🇴 |
OSAZ | Organizácia Severoatlantickej zmluvy | sk Slovak 🇸🇰🇨🇿 |
SAPO | Severnoatlantska pogodbena organizacija | sl Slovene 🇸🇮 |
OTAV | Organizata e Traktatit të Atlantikut Verior | sq Albanian 🇦🇱🇲🇰 |
NAFO | Nordatlantiska fördragsorganisationen | sv Swedish 🇸🇪🇫🇮 |
KAAÖ | Kuzey Atlantik Antlaşması Örgütü | tr Turkish 🇹🇷 |
NATO logo but everyone is as entitled as the Fr*nch:
(Yes, I know most of these official languages use “NATO” but that’s exactly what makes the French entitled.)
They chose a Z because it’s easier to draw than the swastika. Still managed to screw it up.
Joke as old as the first maps of Europe. Even before modern borders, people knew the Apennian Peninsula as “the boot” and the Scandinavian Penisnula as “dick and balls”.
They are called “Americans” in Europe
He’s not, otherwise he would know that “low light sensitivity” cameras aren’t “sensitive in low-light conditions” but “with lower than normal light sensitivity”.
In an imaginary world where cameras are way more expensive, he’d absolutely be pushing LiDAR in cars. The metrics he cares about are cost and marketability (cool factor), or money for short.
That’s just what war does to a 23-year-old
I know. The joke is, Russian soldiers have stolen washing machines from homes in occupied territory, indicating a domestic shortage, and presumably, some North Koreans would not even know about them.
Yes but I felt the need to include the evil/misguided minority of Germans, and I managed to do it without referencing certain 20th century events.