Some German cable providers do internal NATting please check that yours does not.
Some German cable providers do internal NATting please check that yours does not.
With that many users, don’t you think that app has never ever been uploaded to a site like virustotal?
This is too true, I usually do not touch any tech stuff anymore at home, working in IT all day.
I’m from Europe, the stuff they have here is good. Was hoping you had one near you to check if they ship it over. Sry if I raised false hopes.
Did you check at Aldi’s or Lidl’s? Maybe they ship it over instead of selling the local stuff. Here its in little bags and lasts years unrefrigerated.
because it works, even in a crowdstrike
edit: typo
As a German I would suggest to burn these stores down.
plus duplex scan
Plant trees around your house. Shadow and natural cooling because they tend to evaporate water. Use white outer surfaces to reflect sunlight for additional benefit.
The Seagate Exos in my aray consume 8-9W each on idle, and 12-13W active. I doubt that a NVME would consume that much in idle, which will be most of the time for data storage.
Thy already wrote this will not be powered on 24/7, just lean back and enjoy the pics and story :-)
Wasn’t Afghanistan? Sry, my mind’s not what it used to be…
…and won’t be able to park, because…well, cars.
DOS s.u.s.e. 4.x or 5.x
Would be around 300€ in Germany, on a cheap contract. Limiting myself to one combined NAS/application server atm, with the others turned on only if I want to try sth out.
Yes. Chuck some 5TB Seagate externals. They’re way less pain in the ears, cooler and quieter.
Ray guns everywhere please. Stepped into that beamer trap once, only for my non-DE colleagues to tease me forever with it.
Yup, with 2,5" Seagates. Reused the enclosure with smaller used enterprise ssds to make cheap USB sticks.
In a public phone booth, accessible to everyone. Later then, you had the chance to opt out of the phone book “service”, here in Geemany that was around the time alternative phone providers appeared. Now seems to be default, so you got to watch to whom you give your number.