I’ve had to tolerate summers like that. It’d be hard to CHOOSE to for me though.
I am some guy
I’ve had to tolerate summers like that. It’d be hard to CHOOSE to for me though.
Yeah, the more I disconnect, the less likely I am to get on social media and talk about how disconnected I am. Some big brain stuff
Best guess is they’re wanting to talk about their last camping trip after they get home. Which is cool but like, maybe that’s the real subject? Camping? Hiking? Etc? Question mark?
Edit: nah screw it. Checked it out. Looks like a flavor of shit posting. My stupid ass would probably like it but never admit it.
Ew, Cheese Squeeze makes my eyeballs itch
This is so relatab… uh…
Hey, it is not good that you experience this.
Yeah, the author was pretty obviously decided on his position and accuracy was an afterthought. But if you check his name, you’ll realize he makes a mean spicy chicken sandwich fwiw
Vivo barefoot baby. I even run in ape shoes.
Takes a lot of prep to do though without injury.
Hey, I’m part Dutch.
Oh wait, I started it.
Yeah. My work machine is Windows and I haven’t even installed vs. Rider is just superior for the vast majority of .net work.
Msft needs to realize that they no longer own the best ide for their stack and do something to improve the .net vs code experience. That recent c# plugin needs a lot more power.
Refactoring and code cleanup utilities in Rider are exceptional right now. And that’s not small. It’s massive in value.
Don’t get me wrong, I want codium to have this, but the extensions that compare, especially for .net, are not in the same league.
I mean, we all get into cars sometimes. Doesn’t change the validity of your opinion man.
But being Dutch on the other hand…
Oh ok. This sounds really reasonable honestly. All good.
I use this config at work. It really has made Windows a lot nicer. But damn I wish wsl would keep the time synchronized. Every time my machine sleeps, I have to sync the distro time so it can login to azure
Shit man. I wish my kid wanted to tinker with Linux. He writes code and is a total nerd, but he has NONE of that Linux curiosity.
I have a dual boot and if you don’t hold f11 on boot, the only clue that Linux is on there would be the strangely formatted volume in device manager.
Being a Linux wiz is a massive boon to career opportunities as the world is moving to containers like docker.
I’d be willing to help dig up persuasive material so you can prove to your dad that being patient with you on this will pay off.
Hey poppin’. Glad to see you here. I have a hunch you’ll carve your space here just fine ;)
It IS 2023, so who knows?