This coming down the line finally got me off of my incredibly lazy ass and forced me to switch a few months ago. It was easy, and I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.
This coming down the line finally got me off of my incredibly lazy ass and forced me to switch a few months ago. It was easy, and I don’t know why I didn’t do it sooner.
Titan mode was my absolute favourite and nothing since has filled that gap
The BPI-WIFI6 is currently half price and good value for what you get imo. Not sure on true performance yet as I need to rewire my house but it’s way more reliable than any of my other routers at least.
That would also explain why Aldi in the UK also has these while other stores don’t.
They did. Cheap and reliable
I’m not entirely sure how cheques work being that I’ve not used one in about 15 years, but I’d imagine they give a cheque from an account with no money. Because cheques are awful the money will appear in your account for a time period by which you are given the illusion of getting legit money. They ask you to buy something like jewellery or gift cards and ask for it back at the end, maybe letting you keep a bit of it for yourself. A while goes by and the cheque bounces, which means you’re then on the hook for the cost of everything you purchased and the scammer gets a ton of free items that they can then sell on.
Also the same, but both ears. I think I’ve had it since I was about 10 after an ear infection and only relatively recently learned not everyone has stupidly high pitched ringing in their ears all the time.
Induced demand. Apparently Texas hasn’t heard of that yet, but that’s the reason 3 or even fewer lanes work fine everywhere else where there’s also good alternative transportation.
Keep adding lanes, traffic quietens down, people see the roads are quiet and decide to drive, road gets busy, rinse and repeat.
Comcast doesn’t exist in the UK by name, but Sky does. Sky owns the website. Guess who owns Sky?
I do, but only because the UX around federated entities isn’t great at the moment. There’s no doubt that it could be made way more intuitive and streamlined for the average user, and that more effort could be put into migration between federated entities so that it doesn’t feel like as much of a chore to jump between instances. The average user won’t care about federation, and they just want to quickly get some content.