In 2020 according to statistics 82.66% of all americans lived in cities, not spread across half the state. Urban areas and country side should be developed differently of course.
In 2020 according to statistics 82.66% of all americans lived in cities, not spread across half the state. Urban areas and country side should be developed differently of course.
Are there any real world examples of trolley canal barges, thought electric wires and water do not mix well? But yeah there are some ship based public transport networks, which I think should be explored more seriously. In India there are some water Metro networks like Kochi…
This story is amazing. I personally thought about canal development in a more positive light, as cargo transport over seas is the most fuel efficient form of transport known to men, beats even trains. Rowing in boats is also fun! Also most landlocked countries are poorer and have less freedom, because they have 0 access to the open oceans to trade and flee opressors and neighbors.
Ships are more fuel efficient in transporting large mass anyway. shipping is the most energy-efficient form of freight transportation. Replace all roads with river ways!! All trucks with cargo ships… and some Yachts for public transport.
Most of type E. “Peacelink” are actually type C. “Right Wing” in disguise. Conservatives are inherently drawn to conspiracy theories
“I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really avast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.” “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine – of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful.”
So Donald J. Trump i type C. ? Hard right? I would say Trump is not “hard” right, he is the leader of the right wing in general of all conservatives. He represents their interest best. And all conservatives in Europe think the same way as Trump:
Kotré describes Ukraine as a US staging ground to destabilize Russia, adding: "And when we talk about that, we also have to talk about the bioweapons laboratories that are aimed at Russia.
He seems to be Category E, but I say he is also C.
People do not seem to realize how hard the right wing is betting on the destruction of Ukraine. They can use the same to eradicate the “social democrats” in their own countries as Putin did with Navalny. Use it to justify Authoritarianism at home.
How are they disgusting? When I see them they look quite cute.
Can one write an android app in pure rust today? As far as I understand Java/Kotlin is still preferred there… and rust and c are only used for the operating system itself.
I wonder if the support for the arm-architecture target will improve because of this, since android devices run on that architecture. In tier 1 there is aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu ARM64 Linux … so does that mean arm support is already perfect?
I thought about it, but the additional display, made me think about power saving, how to shut off screen, while keeping the headless service loaded? … premature optimization?
Since Lemmy instance are not backed by commercial interest, but rather by nice volunteers and donors that have money and time to spare, they will be heavily affected by economic downturns (we still can see commercial interests still affect users negatively tho with reddit). Here are my thoughts on the matter:
That is why you should always back up your comments on your personal device, would be nice if lemmy had an automated way of doing this (I should look into this more)
use html tables with large borders … or that is how I feel the old times look