I think of AI as Beanie Babies. All the rage (excitement, not anger) and will eventually (hopefully) die on the vine when full AGI never comes.
I think of AI as Beanie Babies. All the rage (excitement, not anger) and will eventually (hopefully) die on the vine when full AGI never comes.
It will always be Twitter to me. X is a variable in a math problem… not a company name. Oh, I’m also lazy and have never used Twitter.
I’ve been running OPNsense as a VM in Proxmox for a year on an AliExpress box that doesn’t have ECC. If I might ask, why do you have a requirement for ECC?
Before this box, I ran a Dell R230 with pfSense but got tired of the noise and 40 watt power draw.
I’ve had zero issues without ECC, so I’m just curious about your need for it.
Granola, peanut butter, chocolate chips & honey. All mixed together in a sticky mess that is tasty. Make too much? Throw it in the fridge and have a cold tasty snack the next day!
The random aches and pains you start waking up with are here to stay. Learn to embrace them.
And drink more water.
I practice this same thermal battery idea as well with an extra tip of having a couple of fans on timers (sun up to sun down) that sit on the floor and blow the cold air up. It makes a significant difference, especially if you can sit a fan where the cold air from the AC falls to the ground.
Two users and a handful of service accounts. I use it so I have a centralized user authentication system instead of managing multiple individual user accounts.
I tried a couple of LDAP solutions out there; Windows Server AD, Open LDAP, Samba4 in Debian, TurnKey Solutions LDAP before finally settling on Zentyal. It has a nice to use web GUI and can work in conjunction with AD RSAT tools that I have installed in a throwaway Windows VM for when I need more granular controls the web GUI can’t do.
All my Debian VM’s and laptops connect to Zentyal AD via SSSD.
I just cannot find a use case for Nextcloud. I have gone as far as installing it and sync’ing it with my LDAP for user auth and sync pictures from my phone to my NAS. All the other features are just a big ole m’eh for me.
This has just been my experience, so maybe I’m missing something that would just make it all click and make me not live without it. So far though, I’ve spun up and spun down an instance 3 times and never missed it afterwards.
Zabbix for agent / snmp based statistics.
Uptime Kuma for up/down states with a webhook notification into Discord so I get instant alerts on my phone when one goes down.
Thank you for the recommendation. I’ll give this one a shot. I think I tried it a few years back so it is time to try it again.
I love Home Assistant and have been using it for years. It just keeps getting better and better over time! With so many new features added all the time I have just started blowing away my entire VM of it and recreating from scratch to see what’s new. It’s a good problem to have!
Blue Iris in the other hand… just give me a damn version that runs on Linux natively and not some Wine bullshit.
I have also noticed it seems harder to find stuff on Google now. My pet theory is that it is the building in of AI to search (Bing Chat anyone?) that is affecting Google search results. Lately, I have been going to Bard & ChatGPT to do searches but treat it more as a jumping off point to help point the direction of where or how to search.
Not perfect, but just a method I’ve been playing with for the past month off & on.
That’s an error on my part, apologies. I copy/pasted and tried to redact my url from the APP_URL=https://bookstack.example.com section and ended up deleting the entire line; yay replying from mobile. :|
I currently use Bookstack on Docker in Unraid but the above docker compose snippet is from when I used a debian VM with docker installed on it to run my docker stacks.
Here you go, this is my docker compose. You can modify the pieces as you see fit.
version: ‘3’ services:
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/bookstack
container_name: bookstack
- DB_HOST=bookstack_db
- DB_USER=bookstack
- DB_DATABASE=bookstackapp
- ${DATA_DIR}/bookstack:/config
- 6875:80
restart: unless-stopped
- bookstack_db
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb
container_name: bookstack_db
- MYSQL_DATABASE=bookstackapp
- MYSQL_USER=bookstack
- ${DATA_DIR}/bookstack/mariadb:/config
restart: unless-stopped
I do have to be cognitive of bending over after swallowing something because I can feel it trying to make it’s way back up.
For about a year, I used a husband pillow behind my pillow so I would sleep upright. Eventually, I figured out what works best for my body which is basically just make sure I don’t eat at least 2 hours before bed.
Other than that, the fundoplication takes care of preventing stomach contents from coming back. Here’s a quick video!
Never hurts to get checked. See about having an enscopy performed and they can check it out. Another procedure is called a Esophageal Manometry. They put a thin tube up your nose and down your throat and make you swallow fluids to measure how well your esophagus squeezes or in my case, they said it spasmed and basically doesn’t respond as it hood.
I wish you the best.
I see what you did there and I am disgusted to say I love you for it. :D
First Dr visit was sometime in 2018 with surgery in Q2 2019’ish. I would have been 37’ish when symptoms first started coming on.
From what I’ve read, only 1 in 200,000 have it so it took multiple Dr’s to finally find one who said to me, “I was just at a convention last month and heard a talk about a condition like yours and just happens one of the top Dr’s on achalasia lives here in our city.” Few months later and I was scheduled for surgery and it’s been worlds better post-surgery. :)
It definitely affects my life every day with what I can & cannot eat (bread is a nightmare) but I take it in stride and drinks copius amounts of water with every meal.
NPM is awesome until you have a weird error that the web GUI does not give a hint about the problem. Used it for years at this point and wouldn’t consider anything else at this point. It just works and is super simple.