The rules for how they’re supposed to work sound simple enough on paper. Unfortunately a lot of us in the US have poor reading comprehension skills.
The rules for how they’re supposed to work sound simple enough on paper. Unfortunately a lot of us in the US have poor reading comprehension skills.
How to properly go through a four-way stop.
Was about to ask what one does with dual Titan Xs, but the obvious answer is whatever the hell one wants.
I host a handful of Internet facing sites/applications from my NAS and have had no issues. Just make sure you know how to configure your firewall correctly and you’ll be fine.
One of these guys walked up and gave me a handful of birdseed, prompting a flock of pigeons to come perch on my arms. I most certainly did not hand over the money they wanted for the experience I didn’t ask for and was somewhat disgusted by.
I feel like even without religion we’d find ways to make each other miserable ‘cause we’re just an awesome species like that.
Search job sites for “search quality rater.” Should be a number of postings for fully remote, part-time, ~$15/hr work. Takes a few weeks to go through the qualifying process, but it’s mostly common sense stuff. Just requires the time commitment - projects will probably want 10-20 hours a week.
Round abouts are showing up in US cities. Unfortunately we’re too dumb to know how to drive in a circle, so they just end up causing confusion.
I’m sure PETA shelters would have more capacity if they didn’t prefer to see an animal dead than a pet. They have significantly higher kill rates than any other shelters, and have made their stance pretty clear that they’re against animals being pets. No wonder they just keep killing them.
I’m no fan of Fox News in general myself, but just because we don’t like them doesn’t make everything they publish false. And yeah, the PETA kills site clearly has an agenda, but their agenda is to try and save animals from PETA’s “love.” There’s sensationalism on that site, but there are also numbers, many of which come from PETA themselves.
I linked the Snopes article knowing that it supported points from both sides. The point in linking that article is that it’s despicable that any of those reports of PETA’s disgusting behavior are true at all.
You know what no-kill shelters try to do when they don’t have space? Coordinate with local foster programs, coordinate with other shelters to see if they have space. There are other alternatives besides taking in a perfectly healthy animal and dropping it in the euthanasia queue.
I’m quite sure there are quite a few things PETA has been accused but not convicted of. When you’re a group of assholes as big as that, you get pretty good at skirting the fine lines of what’s legal and what’s not. They’re hardly the first example of groups like that.
PETA has a lot more fucked up behavior under its belt than the one time they “accidentally” euthanized a dog they stole from someone, and much of their bad behavior has been very much maliciously intentional. Here just a small sample.
ETA: A few more, because why the hell not? Fuck PETA.
It’s used both ways, it’s just context dependent.
Flying cars seem like a great idea, but considering how shit everyone seems to be at driving in 2 dimensions I’m very nervous about the idea of giving them a 3rd.
There’s another nifty little container called qbittorrent-natmap that will take care of that for you.
Huh, that has not occurred to me. Will definitely try this.
Seems useful if you’re trained to read these, but it seems like a kinda shitty system to be slapping on stuff for sale to the general public.
I mean, you could have just said that instead of the unhelpful bullshit GPT apparently put out. Or just not commented at all if you didn’t actually have anything helpful to add.
Is milk an exception? Because the moo juice always smells a little off to me. I usually have to resort to the take a small swig and pray technique to tell.
What’s your dew temp?