Ok so are there any specific apps for the fediverse?
Is mastodon the app that has it? I’m still pretty new to knowing wtf it even is
I fucking loved Returnal on ps5 and it’s a steal for the sale price right now!!
Sweet thanks!
I noticed that too. I’m American but don’t give a shit about politics because it’s just too upsetting.
Go to the communities posting about it and click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and block the sub. I had to do this over the course of about 2 days while subbing to ones I enjoyed.
Still learning how to navigate this site and find communities I enjoy, but for the most part I’m not seeing the politics anymore. Hope this helps at least a little
Thanks for such a great explanation!
Seems like pretty much any marvel slop past the first few decent movies is just 90 minutes of “OMFG REFERENCE?! KIND SIR I WISH I COULD UPDOOT THIS MOVIE TWICE!!!” lol