Iant that what Aperture Desk Job did?
Iant that what Aperture Desk Job did?
My company gives up to an extra 2 weeks of PTO based on years of service. Stock Options/RSU have like a 3 to 5 year pay out vesting timeline with a % of it vesting every year. but you get new grants every year. So after you’ve been working for 3 or more years, you basically have a “full” grant value vesting every year. throw in 6 percent 401k match at 100 percent match my on paper below market value salary actually returns a pretty good total comp package. I’m not sure if switching every 2 or 3 years would provide me any significant benefit because of how my long term tenure at the company has paid off with these incentives for staying. I imagine there’s a probably something about jumping around early vs mid vs late career that factors into this equation too.
Idk about it being locked in. I have seen people with Sr and Lead titles interviewing for a lower position these days. Those things don’t always stay with you the rest of your life. But titles are cheap. Salary, bonuses, and stock are money.
For me, I had considered job offers with higher salary. But then when I looked at the salary and reduced PTO I realized my hourly wage didn’t change that much. When I factored in the stock package and downgrade in 401k match these 10%+ percent salary increases put me behind near term (near term being about 3 years until the new company started to vest and become regular earnings).
How does this work out with all in value when it comes to stock options or other vesting based non salary compensation? Aren’t you leaving a lot on the table if you switch every 2 years? Does salary alone make up for that?
I thought they already had that during working hours. I swear sometimes while I’m working on the east coast hours, my west coast colleagues signs on at 12PM EST and signs off of 530EST and aren’t around to answer my 6:30 EST pings. Meanwhile I’m waking early for EU client calls, and handling 9PM meetings with Asia offices. So it goes. I don’t think we can have it both ways where you can be remote working from anywhere yet not be on the hook to work hours during the defined operational times. I’m not working 9 to 9EST, and take long breaks mid day if I have evening meetings, but there are operational realities of needing to talk to people to get work done and those times need to be defined.
Text intensive games are hard to read at times on the deck. Magnifier helps, but not ideal. Games like Against the Storm or some digital board games would benefit from higher resolution.
Yeah, I was thinking this was a mispost and the intended community was supposed to be “fuckbikes” since this ahole is blocking a to go order window that patrons will use.
Hell of a fake news editorialize. Where is the “celebration” in this article? You could equally spin this article as “Gen Z and Millennials refuse to contribute to generational wealth and prioritize making capital enrich their lives instead.”
"However, this fear may not be that much of a concern for the younger generation, as most are actually looking to retire early — or to retire at all, the report by Intuit showed.
Traditionally, retiring entails leaving the workforce permanently. However, experts found that the very definition of retirement is also changing between generations."
I am seeing that with my parents. My dad has had offers to make some pretty good cash as a consultant for a few hours a week here or there. In some industries, like law, a retired judge can make bank working in arbitration where they can pick up just a little work for a good pay check to keep them busy and have more fun money. And then there’s the God’s work that is unpaid, child care for grandchildren. For a generation that has lower birth rates as a personal choice, I can see those folks looking to do part time work if it’s enjoyable and supports their other endeavors.
Max Weber’s “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism” goes into how protestantism cradled capitalist growth. But I think it’s a bit heavy handed to say folks support capitalist ideology. You don’t really support ideology. The ideology is what supports capitalism or is capitalism itself. But Protestantism is generally has individualistic beliefs. No longer does the clergy intermediate relation to God. Protestants believe individuals have a personal and individual relation to god. This sense of individualism can overlap with capitalist mentalities of individual success and profit.
But I think your use of ideology is too vague and understanding of religion is too generalized. You really need to talk about particulars of specific religious beliefs and particulars of specific attitudes towards capitalism. There’s not much to really comment on with such broad and vague brushstrokes.
I think there will probably be a natural selection of which one prevails. But each instances may have different rules and different mods. So follow and unfollow the few that have what you like. It would be nice in the future though to ability to create aggregate subs or find aggregate subs like a multi-subreddit for a given topic.
Not talking about votes on specific comments. Talking about profile aggregation. I’ve done vinyl trades, clothing swaps, hired people to 3d print things, etc. For those kinds of interactions you aren’t looking at the quality of one specific post, but want to validate that it’s not a temporary account for a scam and that the user generally cares about the reputation of their name on the platform.
When it comes to gauging advice, or doing something like buying or trading used goods it was helpful as a proxy for trustworthiness. Older accounts with good karma are a lot less sketchy than brand new accounts.
There was NFS game on sale for like 2 bucks during the winter sale that was fun.
But I think Art Of Rally really shines as a steam deck racing game. It’s not arcadey, but not hardcore sim. Kind of it’s own challenging but chill racer. Can easily be played in short bursts when you have 5 or 10 minutes to kill.