That’s so weird
That’s so weird
I’m not worried about Donald trump I’m worried about the next generation of politicians that will follow his blueprints.
Augustus only became emperor after Caesar who only became dictator after Sulla.
Every time the government’s institutions are bent it gets a little easier for the next person
Yeah just add however many cups of rice and then add water to the specified line. Don’t need to do any of that finger bullshit to check water levels
And by cup I mean the cup that comes with the rice cooker not sure how it corresponds to the actual unit of measurement
Seems like most people just click videos from their home page and not their subscriptions feed. If YouTube set the default page as your subscriptions we wouldn’t have that bell problem anymore but that’s not good for engagement cause people wouldn’t see different videos every time they opened YouTube so it’ll never change
When I was in grade 2 I had an old substitute teacher tell us a story about how he trained his willpower by setting an alarm every night at 3 am and when it went off he’d do 10 jumping jacks.
I tried it that night, got out of bed and did 2 jumping jacks before realizing this was the dumbest thing ever. If I had the willpower to get out of bed in the middle of the night to exercise I already had the willpower in the first place.
But weirdly enough ever since that night I’ve been able to get out of bed on the first alarm
I actually stopped playing a couple months after launch and only after it became F2P in 2.0 that I played it sporadically every now and then to get a few levels. It took from release to 2014 for me to actually get one max level character lol
After I got to level cap I dipped my toes into raiding and cleared what endgame content I could but stopped playing again in 4.0 when they didn’t release any new raids for the expansion. Then any time they release a new raid I’d pick the game back up again and hit up my old guildies to rejoin me
Man KotFE was such a disaster of an expansion. They put in so much marketing and built up so much hype for the story at the expense of every other part of the game. Then it comes out and the story is bland and the PvEers and PvPers have no reason to stay subscribed.
Oh god and don’t get me started on the 10 year anniversary. Justice4R4
I got into a local university and didn’t want to go into bio/chem like the rest of my friends but I liked playing video games so I just majored in computing science. Now I’m a software engineer.
I’ve put at least 2000 hours into this game and completed all the endgame PvE content including an NA first/world second raid achievement and made a lot of friends in the game.
It’s still a shit game with barely any new content and now Bioware has pawned off the game to some company called Broadsword that looks like it specializes in taking over dead MMORPGs
Because he can’t beat the police outta shape