I recently purchased Affinity photo, which did most of what I used to use Adobe for. No subscription, one time purchase, and I’ll likely never need to worry about that again.
I tried gimp a few times and found it frustrating to use.
One of them Carpenter nerd types.
I recently purchased Affinity photo, which did most of what I used to use Adobe for. No subscription, one time purchase, and I’ll likely never need to worry about that again.
I tried gimp a few times and found it frustrating to use.
While I was going through my posts on Twitter and deleting them all, I noticed that nearly all of the were gripes or complaints about something during my day. That’s not to say I had a lot of bad days but I’d be more likely to want to vent them than just vibing through the good days in social media silence. Each person is very different, but unless I was in a space where socializing was a daily thing, my tendency was to be more negative than positive Most of the time.
I appreciate you commenting to me with full support and care for the topic at hand. It is quite educational for anyone who happens across it and doesn’t already understand how simple it is for plastics to leech their way into basically anything, and I suspect the reason most places stopped using Styrofoam containers quite awhile ago (plus how absolutely terrible it is for the environment). I’m hopeful for a plastic free future, there are some really good alternatives coming down the pipeline for now and it will be interesting to see which of the various technologies becomes mainstream. I’m rooting for seaweed personally. I also really like the work that has been done with various fungi for form fitting packing supplies.
I know it’s not really the topic you considered… But yes, I do believe every drug should be legalized. If you consider the benefits alone it should be obvious that it is the correct choice.
Drugs made by lisenced people/locations that use safe ingredients and are open to litigation if they end up making a bad batch.
The revenue collected isn’t going to some drug lord overseas, it’s going into the country which you live instead.
Dispensaries can be used secondary as a councelling/rehabilitation center.
The long and the short if it is that if people want them, they will get them. I live in a place that hasn’t legalized weed yet… But if you are around certain neighborhoods at around 9am, it starts to smell very obvious that legality doesn’t matter. While currently that’s not surprising as many states near mine have legalized, we’ll before that happened things were exactly the same.
I don’t want people to be addicted to drugs, but I don’t see why we as a society shouldn’t benefit at all from someone who is.
For me it’s not about TikTok. It’s about using whatever flimsy, poorly worded law they will make to ban a platform I don’t use to open the door for further bans and possible censorship in the future. A platform should be allowed to function if it can. If it’s horribly made, or supremely unprofitable it’ll find its own way out. I don’t use it, I don’t plan on ever using it, and honestly it doesn’t affect my daily life outside of my mother in law thinking that some of the pallet crafts on there are worthwhile and me having to explain that they’ll look good for a moment and then fall apart rather quickly.
And I assume next you’ll tell me that pouring boiling water into plastic bottles or maybe even Styrofoam cups is another way people introduce microplastics into their systems unwittingly. That’s just too bizarre.
I generally call myself a patient gamer for most titles… but the monster hunter series is not one of them. Those games release in good shape, fully formed titles that don’t really need to wait on… I guess generally I’m patient when I feel the product doesn’t match the price, but in this case, I feel it absolutely does. If there is DLC, it’s either really silly cosmetic things, or a full fledged expansion on the content by at least 2x.
What do you mean plastic mesh heated to near boiling temperatures causes a release of microscopic plastic particles? That just doesn’t make any sense at all!
It reminds me of the ultimate game of monopoly I played as a kid (on a handheld). I had complete control over the board. I had bankrupted two of the AI’s, but in order to keep line go up, I’d have to keep the last one around. Every time it’d get low on funds I’d offer to significantly overpay for one of its’ few properties, and then sell it back for a dollar.
I got to around 30k before the game either just quit, or the battery died.
Oh man, those researchers sure will be upset when they find out how much time I ‘waste’ a week arriving to work early and then just languishing while waiting for work to start. It’s around 250 hours a year. (and even better, I’m there an hour early specifically to avoid traffic)
Geocities was over the hump at that point, but i guess that makes it even more true.
Rubbing alcohol on a q-tip, give it a good once over, if the q-tip isn’t pure white, repeat.
Once clean wait for it to air dry and give it a go.
You take your fractional pennies and get out of here with those rough guesses I can’t refute or deny!
I’d honestly be surprised if a majority of any social space was bots… However I do believe a majority of initial posts are bot generated. Especially for news based spaces. It just makes sense to plug in a bot to whatever biased news source you subscribe to and just have it post new articles every 5 minutes.
Much like the average American voter, I believe in that 50% silent users who are often forgotten. 25% active users, and that other 25% can be whatever ghosts in the system the OP is after.
My numbers are also butthole deriven.
It was many years ago and I just realized that it wasn’t a sumo, just an absolutely monstrous hand that for whatever reason I recollected as a sumo wrestler.
I’m excited to see the new jet set radio and crazy taxi.
Not because I’m at all interested in playing them but because I want to see the absolute shitshow they will both assuredly release as.
The kind that wants realllllly consistent beef jerky.
Multiple of the same shirt. Let me see if I can find it online… I cannot. It was a massive thick print of a sumo wrestler on a surf board with a massive hang loose written on it. Besides being a terrible design, the thickness of the print alone caused excessive sweating and irritation.
Got the same crappy t-shirt several years apart from the same person.
The easy way: one word answers to everything. This can include just saying yup or nope to every response. I am the kind of person to lean in on obnoxious responses while very much not paying attention.
The hard way: get HR involved. Inappropriate attempts to get close to you count.
Example of solution 1: https://youtube.com/shorts/KdmMiZqskzc
Similarly, 40ish hours for an mmo binge back in the day.