Hexbear isn’t a great place to look for cis women. It’s an amazing place if you’re looking for tankies though.
Hexbear isn’t a great place to look for cis women. It’s an amazing place if you’re looking for tankies though.
So can nearly all physical locks you’ll find on a house door. The ones nearly everyone puts on their doors are super simple. Most thieves won’t bother though, if your lock poses even the slightest challenge they’ll go through a window if they really want in.
Picking a lock is a lot more likely than somebody finding an exploit and hacking your lock. In either case, locks are minimal theft deterrent, not prevention.
A lot of Catholics in Brazil and old Catholicism required the use of Latin during mass, so it’s totally plausible.
I guess you could see it that way, but web views are inherent in mobile operating systems, they don’t need to be bundled into your app, so capacitor apps aren’t big bloated memory consuming applications like electron apps are. There’s a lot of well made apps running on capacitor that you wouldn’t even know, especially if you use something like ionic framework to actually have the look and feel of native mobile apps.
Using capacitor as a native shell for your web app can be very nice, actually. It lets you hook into native API calls and build native apps while hardly ever having to write native code, unless you want to, which presumably you don’t since you’re writing react native.
I assume you mean react native, not react, unless you’re using something like capacitor. React native is a far shot from react and is much more annoying to deal with.
Russian propaganda pushers pretending to be American, you mean
You might check the dbzer0 instance and if it’s not there, you could create it there. It’s pretty sailor friendly.
I checked the original post text 3 separate times because I was so convinced Elon Musk wrote it. It sounds like this dude is Elon Musk on an alt account, it’s so eerily similar to how he talks about technology.
Huh, I did not know that. Wild.
Jetbrains moved away from the purchase version model and to an actual monthly/yearly subscription model a very long time ago. I don’t even think you can buy their products anymore, they’re literally subscription models, no longer buy versions then get updates for a year sort of thing. You either pay them and have access or don’t and lose it.
This is awesome! Hopefully it addresses an issue I was having where it would start locking up pretty bad after a while of playing. I love this game!
McDonald’s and Carl’s Jr have been trying to replace employees with robots for orders for a very long time. They’ve never had much success because old people suck at using these kiosks and don’t even bother trying
Probably for the best, cats eat fish
Yeah, they had a surprisingly long life time, given they were created by Google.
It’s funny that you don’t know what you don’t know. Google glass definitely launched, and is used by certain businesses. They went B2B instead of B2C and apparently did well enough.
I find it on a truck that could find in my comment history.
Not the ones that want you to engage over a period of time. A lot of scams, especially for old people, involve long back and forth conversations over days. These are usually very profitable for the scammers, who sort of gain a passive income for doing nothing other than stealing from old people.
I don’t think Vimm’s is doing this, I think it’s a community effort