I would recommend using bottles as the last fallback instead of just wine. Makes it easier since it automatically creates a wine prefix for each game/launcher
I would recommend using bottles as the last fallback instead of just wine. Makes it easier since it automatically creates a wine prefix for each game/launcher
Pop Culture detective is really good. I especially like their video about Fantastic Beasts
I don’t think you’re going to find anyone that admits to smelling bad. I assume people who smell bad do it because they don’t know that they smell, so they don’t try to change anything.
Enabled it in-game. Tried default setting at first then raised the in-game max brightness from 1000 nits to 1200 nits to see if there was a difference but there wasn’t.
I just tried raising the deck brightness and that actually made it look a bit better. I feel kinda dumb now that I didn’t try that before. Still not the amazing difference people made it out to be but i could actually see a little bit of difference now, at least when I look at something bright.
Thanks for the input. I got confused when people said Tetris effect looked “sooo much better” with HDR and I wasn’t seeing any difference at all.
The oled deck does support hdr, dont know why some people are claiming ut doesn’t.
General HDR is not supported in Linux yet though, only in games. So videos are unfortunately not a thing I can use for comparison.
Both spider-man and Tetris supports HDR. What do you mean the deck oled display does not support it? Isn’t that the main thing it advertises?
Sorry I should have been more clear. I’m using the steam deck oled with the regular display, not an external display.
I have just heard it mentioned in regards to both the steam deck and smartphones with high refresh rates. I don’t know by how much the battery is affected but I know that lower refresh rate draws less. That why smartphones have variable refresh rate and lower their refresh rate to like 1hz when nothing is happening on screen. You can Google it if you want more info
50hz draws less battery so my guess is that they assume players who cap their frame rate at 25 are more in need of battery life over low latency, because why else would you cap it that low?
Idk but that’s what I would do
History and cookies are not generally a security vulnerability. Cookies can be a vulnerability but only if the hacker gets access to your device somehow, either by stealing it or through a virus for example. You don’t really have to worry about cookies or history for security reasons, only privacy reasons.
Jesus christ
I’m clearly out of the loop. What’s up with YandereDev? I’ve heard his name before but that’s it, what did he do?
Roundabouts are great but it’s expensive to convert a crossing to a roundabout, not to mention difficult since the traffic needs to be rerouted during construction. In the most congested areas it’s almost impossible, which is ironically where it is needed the most
🚫 Insulting the intelligence of the recipient by way of apology:
- “I’m sorry for not being more clear”
- “I’m sorry about being so misleading”
How are those insulting? Saying that I should have been more clear means I am the one who messed up by not communicating properly. Something like “sorry that you misunderstood” would be insulting since it places the blame on the recipient’s intelligence.
That might be true for science but in everyday use centimeters, hektograms and the like are more common
You use decagrams for food? I’ve only ever seen hektograms being used for that
Yeah my job has that too. That system has a “remember me” button, but it doesn’t work.
People are farting. They just know how to do it without making noise most of the time.