Looks like a major loophole to me haha
Looks like a major loophole to me haha
And so, just give up? Well, you give up if you want. I’m gonna keep learning.
Are those people stuck into doing crane work? It’s not really my fault if you can’t expand your horizons
Well, we shall see, won’t we? If you’re not gonna upgrade yourself and learn new skills, then maybe you deserve to be left behind.
Learn to do other things. A crane can lift things better than a human. What did humans do? Learn to operate the crane. I am not sure how to make this easier for you to understand.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that in order to keep up, you need to keep learning. Learn and improve yourself. Then you won’t need to worry about “AI stealing your job”
Are you trying to pressure people to donate? Not cool man.
We should make it such that people don’t need cars though.
I have tried it tbh. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be, I was just making a joke.
It’s just much more resource heavy than those headless Linux servers. Maybe windows server can be headless too, but I haven’t looked into it much
Windows Server 2016.
Nah just joking, Ubuntu Server 23.10
Why is that not valid though? It’s shoved in people’s faces. Why can’t they just have a normal relationship? Why bring it to the front and center?
Nope, you’re absolutely right. But I’m not projecting that I know everything. I just won’t ask for help unless I’ve tried by myself, and can’t do it.
I don’t want to be absolutely clueless about hoe something is done when I ask
There’s nothing in this cave worth dying for
That’s precisely what someone would say if there’s stuff worth dying for in there.
For me, it’s not that I don’t want to bother anyone. It’s just that I’m an arrogant pos and I don’t like to admit I don’t know something until I’ve tried to figure it out myself. Kinda toxic, but this forced me to learn a lot of things by myself or via tutorials online.
How though? We can’t just stop going to work on Fridays.
The employer will see that you “could” be doing more work, since you accomplish everything in 4 hours. “You don’t have enough work to occupy your time”, they’d say in my country.
That’s why people act busy. Because when you’re efficient, you get punished with more work.
He’s not even “our” athlete. He was trained and brought up overseas. Just happened to be Singaporean by birth.
Maybe you need to learn martial arts