In the back of my head, I can still hear my drill sergeant bellowing out, roll me oooovvveeerrrrr, in the cllooooovvvveeerrrrrrr.
“All we need to do is make sure we keep talking.” -Hawking
Humanist, interested in helping and learning.
In the back of my head, I can still hear my drill sergeant bellowing out, roll me oooovvveeerrrrr, in the cllooooovvvveeerrrrrrr.
Hey, thanks for sharing. Yeah, I am my own reminder that people can change. I did 20 plus and 3 tours in gwot, and all I want now is a socialist utopia free of just about everything I supposedly fought for. The only thing keeping the assholes in power is their ability to limit the truth. We are at that tip of the truth spear now, and we just gotta keep sharpening and educating. I’m so grateful for you, friend, and all you do for our species.
In my defense, 9/11 happened, and I was 18, and the internet wasn’t the machine for social justice it is now. The funny thing is, kids will read that now and think I’m cracked. Naw dawg. As bad as things are now, we’re organizing, and we’re getting our ducks in a row like never before. I give this 4th Reich two years tops. Already, I’m reading about general labor strikes. Sometimes, it takes a mess to get things back on track.
Lol Pug, you opening the kimono homey?
Lol, thank you for taking the hit for most of us.
Bank teller w/half a dog tag chain.
Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t even say please. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE HELP! I’ve tried and failed, and more and more, I think the answer is Asus was full of shit and I need to be a better consumer. I know I’m not the only one, based on my searches, but they all died. It might be a conspiracy. Shit man, I might be next. Please help me fix my slow charging brick so we can get dank pika memes back on Lemmy.
“But nah, you don’t want to get that Africanized, because as soon as you have to dress like somebody from Angola or Mozambique, then after you put on whatever you put on, and it can be anything from rags to something from Saks fifth Avenue, you got to put on some bandoliers and some AR-15’s and some 38’s; you’ve got to put on some Smith and Wessons and some Colt 45’s, because that’s what they’re wearin’ in Mozambique.”
Fuck that hits like TuPac reciting Talib, with Nas lending uh huhs, and Common keeping the beat.
Years of my life to that nonsense. It is truly impressive how effective yellow journalism can be. Remember, people can change, and with education and patient communication, we can fix the thing. Great share, bud!
Damn, sorry I posted asking the question a few threads back and hadn’t seen this yet. Apologies. I like the concept very much.
A robot can not harm nor, through inaction, allow harm to come to a human
A robot must obey unless it counters rule one
A robot must protect itself unless it counters rule 1 or 2
Triple seven hoooooooooo!
Wun niner ate. Bob’s gun!
Great share, thanks!
That’ll be 59.99, chump.
I firmly believe that the reddit takeover was a part of the grand region destabilization plan to sew discord and resentment in our society by foreign powers. I caution that I am not unaware that it is exactly what or alphabet agencies have been doing to the rest of the world.
Communication among humans is the only defense. Cheers to you, friend! Thanks for contributing to the conversation.
You are on the list now, dawg. Another real person who I shall look forward to conversing with in the future. Exciting! Gotta assign you a color, hmmmm how do you feel about chartreuse?
I was digging through old foot lockers from my army days, a while back, and found an old AOL 2.0 CD. I did not toss it into the fire, however. Fond memory friend, thanks
Not even sure where to begin with you, friend. How about we stay on topic, yeah? A country is sending soldiers to another country’s war. That’s a problem.
I have actual internet friends here. People who, based solely on their efforts and words and interactions, align with my own beliefs and ideals and help me temper and adjust accordingly as time goes on. Adults. I’d happily stay like this or with more, similar people, growing slowly and legitimately.
I feel, past a certain point, one Micheal’s that setup and hits you with a quee hee heen.