Not necessarily, it would depend on the type of block but 99% of the time you are right.
Not necessarily, it would depend on the type of block but 99% of the time you are right.
I agree whole heartedly, it could be done better. I’m just saying it isn’t complete garbage and if a little confusing still usable.
I only went back 5 days, maybe that’s a limitation for my mobile app, but yeah I also couldn’t find cause to say they can’t stop talking about race.
To add to this comment, it’s not hard to find any of this information. “States grouped into areas” scroll to find your state, or again ctrl+f. “Hard to find cities” thankfully living in my area and being somewhat familiar with said area I can scroll down the list and find farmers in my general area. Short of putting in my address and searching for ‘closest to’ which I hate anyway, this isn’t as bad an interface as op suggests.
I would take a look at your default apps. Check the ‘mail’ app and make sure it’s set to outlook and not the builtin mail app. If it isn’t outlook, set it to outlook and restart your computer then try sending from excel again.
You don’t want to give the people chasing you time to identify and disable the deadmans switch
I would guess the “money-driven mindset” had a lot to do with it. The interview went well, he was a good fit, but they didn’t offer him enough. With some back and forth on compensation souring communications enough to make the owner butt hurt enough to post this.
I’ve thankfully been in a relationship for over a year. But when I was looking the dead ending the conversation was huge for me, I’d say a third of the matches did it. I used the 3 strikes rule, because sometimes people are busy and they just want to respond but don’t have time to continue the flow of the conversation. Which is fine.
I once has a girl follow up 2 weeks later asking why we didn’t go on a date? I told her that was the first question she asked me and I felt she wasn’t into the conversation.
Don’t be so desperate to get into a relationship that you try to carry the whole thing on your shoulders.
Disclaimer: am American.
I say the 4th of July because it’s a holiday. July 3rd, 5th, etc are all month/day. I don’t know why just what “sounds right” and it’s what I was taught. It threw me for a loop working with people over seas when I saw 13-10-24. We quickly noticed the confusion and swapped to spelling months out
Cold turkey worked for me. But it wasn’t this big thing. One day I didn’t want to go to the gas station to get more and that turned into, how long could I go? And now I smoke once a year on my friends birthday and HATE the taste.
You missed the (and doing it properly) part. Could you do it on his setup? sure. Could you do it on your setup recommendations? Sure. Could you do it on a little raspberry pi? Probably. A industry standard best practice for backup is 3-2-1. Do all companies follow industry best practices? Heavens no. Redundancy is great, it may save you from calling someone at triple rates for after hours support only to find your one 48 port switch failed. It’s all about what risk you are willing to take on any of this.
It’s not a word but ‘…’ ok… thanks… I guess…
What do you want? Is it on our do you want something else? It’s fine…
If you are in an active combat zone, your gun shouldn’t be on your back :) unless you are on base but none of these looked like they were. Unless you are talking about switching to a shotgun like some people were mentioning.
Either way this is definitely a new dynamic to modern warfare.
I think you would be even less likely to outrun or juke one.
I agree with the others but here is some advice when you are happy being alone.
Don’t let the search for a gf become a large part of your life again. I was on all the dating apps and whatnot thinking I was ready to have a gf and I still think I was. But the search started consuming me i spent an hour or two a day reading profiles and going through pictures to try to find the right one. i would read the bios of girls and think about how perfect we would be together and swipe on them. If a girl swipped on me even if she wasn’t up to my standards I would swipe just because… maybe if I give her a chance… it would work.
After maybe a year of that, numerous dates and spiraling depression I realized what it was doing to me. I found a half way decent dating app and canceled all the other subscriptions. Then I just started trading it as a game, 5/10 minutes here or there throughout the week and that was it. I was in a much better place. Fast forward 3 months and my gf actually swiped on me, fast forward a year and we are expecting our first kid.
For me it was also the API issues. I hated the normal client and only used sync. When they shut down the API I left. Unfortunately I feel like my /all is mostly political and the niche communities I follow don’t have enough content. I’ll always be a lurker.
Thanks! That was an interesting read and makes a lot more sense than what I was thinking.
What types of mines are these? When I think of naval mines I think of the big balls with rods sticking out. Is that what would be in use here?
It’s less bs than you think, still unlikely sure, but not a non zero chance.
For awhile their was a single point of failure in telcom for the midwest in the us. Because the core router was so old and didn’t play well with failover. It took them several months and a lot of intermittent issues to get it replaced and working as expected.
Is it always the same discord server? I got the message the other day but ignored it.