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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I can attest to many of the other games mentioned, but I haven’t seen Radiant Historia Perfect Chronolgy mentioned yet. It’s my favorite game on the 3DS. It does feature time travel as a mechanic and has unique battle mechanics.

    If you’re up for SRPGs too (S meaning strategy), I wholeheartedly recommend Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 1 + 2. The first one is overall a bit better.

  • I keep repeating myself like a broken record, but I’m still on Witcher 3!

    I’ve made a lost of progress since last time, completing the remaining main story starting from one of the first main quests in Skellige. Apparently it does go by quite fast if you’ve done literally every side quest available to that point.

    This week I’ll get into Heart of Stone. I’ve done the frog prince fight already and I gotta say: It’s been such a massive improvement in terms of boss fights, you start to wonder why they have been so bland before.

    Also, once again after doing every quest I found, it was kinda funny to fully upgrade the Runewright out of pocket - I’ve heard people complain about that one.

  • The ending of Future Redeemed links the games to:


    Xeno Saga - My best guess is a remake of those three games, maybe packaged as one. I’d love it, since I’m only missing Saga.

    As for future games, I think they confirmed moving away from the combat formula, which implies moving away from the Klaus story. But it could be something new set in world as shown at the end of XB 3.

    Anyways, still on Witcher 3. It’s a never ending game, but I didn’t play much at all these past to weeks. I did continue the main story, but only by 1 or 2 quests. I just got the mask from Yen in Skellige.

    This weekend, I’ve got a lot of time so there will be much more progress, I think

  • I admit I’m not big on gwent and especially not horse racing. However, I really enjoy learning about different creatures, their lore and how to dispose of them. The game is great at introducing new ones every few quests. There are some great moral questions in there, too!

    But at the end of the day, I just like long RPGs. The feeling of getting lost in a vast world is one of my favorite things in games. Tweaking a build over months, slowly diving into more and more mechanics. I don’t play much else, honestly, and only one at a time.

  • Future Redeemed is one of my favorite experiences in recent times, after loving every title before that. I hope you enjoy it just as much! I’m always itching to replay all 3 games + their DLCs.

    Anyways, I’m still on Witcher 3. Currently about 70h in and the main story just sent me to Skellige. After I’ve heard the story will soon pick up its pace, I decided to do a lot of side-questing. That was some 20h ago and now I’ve done almost every quest I could find in Velen, Novigrad and Skellige - excluding a few level 30+ ones and some I can’t do right now. I’m guessing it will be another month or two to finish, DLCs included. Just on time for Xenoblade X!

  • Still on my first Witcher 3 run on Switch.


    Just missed the Triss romance option today because I didn’t take advantage of a drunk woman. Apparently just saying ‘I love you’ doesn’t cut it. I don’t even like Yennefer (yet?), but oh well, I stand by my choice and don’t want Geralt to end up alone either. Otherwise just doing clean-up in Novigrad before I catch a boat to Skell-something.

  • So, I’ve started the Witcher 3 last week and will continue playing. I just arrived on the second map - Velen or something like that.

    It’s certainly not the generational masterpiece everyone made it out to be. In fact it is really janky. Luckily, it’s just the kind of jank I was raised on and enjoy - games like Gothic and Risen.

    My two biggest gripes are combat and dialogues. Combat just doesn’t feel good, in fact I never played Witcher 3 until now because the combat in Witcher 2 was that bad. Luckily, the open world structure lends itself more to the Witcher power fantasy of optimizing combat out of the game by over-prepping (mind you, I’ve played both games on the hardest difficulty). As for dialogues, what’s there is actually good. It’s just that almost nobody talkes to you.

    In conclusion, it’s fun. There are no deal breakers, yet judging by the first area, it does not surpass its inspiration. However, I’m expecting things to get much more interesting later on since everyone was going on about the quality of the side quests. I did everything and so far they were quite basic.

  • Performance problems aside (menus take ages to load in), I like the game quite a bit. There is just so much stuff: 120 characters, two additional fighting systems for special events, a card game, a bayblade minigame, a castle/town upgrade system and probably much more - I’m not even halfway done. The combat is quite auto-attack heavy and therefore simple, but keep in mind I’m olaying with double MP cost for all abilities (one of the additional challanges to tweak your own difficulty, like the ones in Dragon Quest XI).

    As for the EXP thing, there are a few things that happened to align for me. EXP works like this:

    • Each level requires 1000 EXP.
    • You get EXP based on level difference between you and your enemies. There is a maximum value of EXP a single enemy can give to usually prevent what happened to me - I think it’s about 1000 for most enemies.
    • If you get say 3000 EXP, that’s 3 level ups. Remaining EXP does not get adjusted upon each level up. That’s great since you can recruit 120 characters and if you miss someone at first, it does not take long to catch up if you want to use them.
    • You fight with 6 charaters. EXP is split between them, meaning you get more EXP per character if only e.g. 2 of them survive.

    Now, what actually happened to me is: I fought a unique mini-boss encounter with 5 enemies. I was overall underleveled and got wiped twice. The third time however, I won with only my weakest character still standing - he was 8 level below my team average. He got about 1200 EXP for the level difference * 5 enemies * 6, since only he survived, resulting in about 35 level ups.

  • Continuity. Nothing ever matters with comics. Superman was a communist, a nazi, a zombie, a literal god and everything inbetween. But most commonly, he is about the same he was 50 years ago. Meanwhile I’ve been growing up alongside famous manga characters. I could be following Naruto to this day and he’d be roughly my age at most points.

    Variety. I’m not into comics, I admit, but almost every popular comic I’ve seen is about some kind of superhero. Manga on the other hand have a wide range of topics and target audiences.

    Accessibility. I can read a lot of manga right now. Offical, free and online (at least the most recent chapters). There’s no such thing for comics. And while we’re at it: Manga release at smaller chunks in shorter time intervals, which keeps more attention. Being black and white does help, I’d assume.

    Anime. They are mass produced and serve to promote manga. There is no equivalent with comics and extended media like cartoons or movies and such often follow their own storyline. Assuming I’d be into the MCU, there is no single comic I could read to see exactly what’s next. If I watch a season of Jujutsu Kaisen, I can look up the correct chapter and continue the story seamlessly.

  • Yep, there’s both a normal and a hard mode - normal is quite easy. On top of that, you can get most digimon without much trouble, I just happen to like the ones that are difficult to get.

    There’s also a farm feature where you can level digimon passively. Due to a bug on the switch version, the ingame clock and therefore the farm continue running on standby if you don’t close the game properly.