It’s been about 138h, but I actually finished Witcher 3 + all DLCs this week. I completed every single quest I came across, apart from the two ‘Collect all Gwent cards’ ones. It’s been quite a ride! I’d recommend the game for it’s characters, story telling and moral dilemmas. The gameplay was good too, although even on death march, it was quite easy - of course I was rich and somewhat overleveled from having done everything, so take that with a grain of salt. I finished at lvl 51 with the final quest being marked as lvl 49. Despite other claims, the Switch port was mostly good. Although, halfway through Blood and Wine, about 125h in, the game started to lag in fights with multiple opponents and never stopped doing so. I don’t know what happened, even the big bandit camps didn’t lag much before that.
Anyways, this weekend I’m going to start another run - this time doing a sign build! Last time I was focused on alchemy and basically only used Quen. There are so many gameplay options I never tried much and - nah, just kidding. I’m playing some Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, actually my first entry in the series, as a sort of palate cleanser and then grab a JRPG from my backlog.
Never heard of it, looked it up and apparently it just came out on the 14th. That’s not even a full week till wednesday.