“It’s just a joke” is perfectly valid, dammit. Once. After that, do not repeat it - you already know the person you aim it at doesn’t enjoy it.
Fan of breaking echo chambers by being devils advocate. Other than that, centrist. As in in USA I’d be considered left.
“It’s just a joke” is perfectly valid, dammit. Once. After that, do not repeat it - you already know the person you aim it at doesn’t enjoy it.
Call me a weirdo but honestly, that twist, if anything, can possibly actually make it easier to deal with? I mean it’s as abstract situation as it gets x_x
Contrast that with my country which has law state that if there is no crosswalk closer than 100 meters, you are allowed to cross the road, provided you do so carefully - not disturbing traffic etc. You do however loose lose all protections of the law during this, and you cannot pass if there is a suggestion you shouldn’t, for example a rail or some other barrier between sidewalk and road.
Welcome to Lemmy. We have only three topics - LGBT, Linux and USA politics ( lately rebranded to TrumpElon ).
I mean, yeah. But also not everyone.
It worked well for so long because it is a good solution. Allow users to block and let everything fly as long as it’s not a personal attack. The community will relatively quickly sort itself out.
Sadly, today there are exception to block button working >:(
Edit: Hell. isn’t BlueSky pretty much riding this today? People made blocklists and give fuck all about the less nice side of the site. And people who are intersted can keep seeing stuff.
Yes you effing can. It’s called block button.
Welcome to yet another world war I guess?
And company has cameras. Where I live, most monitor workers 24/7. So they would that especially while trying to get rid of you.
Of course, they say it’s for security and that’s what you sign for, so they can’t simply grab screen of you on phone and throw you out…however, suddenly management gets super instinct.
Also don’t not be not fat
Guys, tetris agrees with above guy…count the negatives…
It seems is key here. Lemmy is so left leaning that any case of such support is straight up glaring. Same even with more neutral things like patriotism - each time it’s out there, because it’s so different from the rest.
And then there’s few instances which flip it on the head from what I know…
Pfft. But for real. I’m getting this feeling this is not normal in USA. Meanwhile where I live people routi ely pick each other up on the way ti save o fuel and/or time.
Semi solve by carrying passengers. Become the bus you wanna see.
Liar and thief, so fits. But dude stole enough (and then, prolly, earned second that through legitimate means) that he’s currently hella better choice than either of scums above.
Saw similiar shit here. “Delivery person needed!”. And whne it comes to pay, it’s sudden;y “up to xx/h”. God forbit they pay you normally.
Honestly, they know that. But fashion is fashion, and people’s desire is rarely logical. So that barrier…I don’t think it will work any better than actual idiot tax. The only offputting thing would be price.
Iiiiiidiot tax! $99,99 for 2 hour course where people tell you “You see that hood? Yeah, you hit someone with it, that person is GONE”.
Old post but…if it’s just memory, you’d lose ttauma and other ingrained coping mechanisms, no? There’s no brain to try and fight back against things. Just memories making you…you…? Or not you, if you oose some of your behaviors?
I mean, we have both and more. From japanese folks using small type to a full blown sci-fi robot exoskeleton.