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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2023


  • I suppose it depends on how you’d define “solved”. If we’re talking about basically eliminating homelessness, Cuba has done immense work in that regard. Say what you will about the Cuban government, but Cuba has a near-zero homeless population because the government has built a ton of housing and caps rent at 10% of individual income in that state-owned housing. Cuba is also a country with a tradition of multi-generational extended family homes, so there’s a greater chance that you’d be able to move in with a family member if you fell on hard times. Home ownership rate is around 85% compared to 65% in the US. All of this is nothing new, though, so it’s hard to say if it’s the answer to current issues of housing that’s largely driven by corporate greed, but it certainly sounds like it couldn’t hurt. Granted, I’ve seen people give examples of homes that are rather small and spartan, where the walls are made of bare cinderblock and generally aren’t very pretty, but that’s way better than being homeless even if some of the housing isn’t as nice as others. I’ve also examples of state-owned housing lived in by the same kinds of people, but are really quite nice as well. Whether the US government would ever do this, though, seems unlikely. Not at the scale we’d need and not for so cheap, anyway, especially not with Trump coming to office. I can’t really speak for the governments of other countries, however, and I’m no expert on Cuba either, so I could have gotten some things wrong. The US embargo to Cuba since the 90s also means that Cuba has had a more difficult time procuring building materials for the low-cost housing that’s helped so many, which has led to an increase in size and number for those extended family homes over the years.

  • I’ve never noticed such a pattern myself and I’m not sure I’d agree that most kings are depicted as red-headed. It would be a little odd considering the relative rarity of red hair in people. What specific depictions are you talking about? Could you give us a list of examples? If you google “cartoon king”, you’ll find only a few redheads among dozens of brown or white-haired kings, which is what I’d expected to find. Maybe if this is a legit trend you see, it could be regional thing? Are there many red-headed people in your country?

  • Depress_Mode@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldlook twice
    1 year ago

    The context is right there on the trailer.

    “Look twice” is a phrase to raise driver awareness of motorcycle safety. Right below it, though kind of hard to see, it says “[MO]TORCYCLES”

    Then there’s the Yamaha sticker. They make motorcycles (and musical instruments lol).

    Finally, you think some deadly pathogen would just be transported in a flimsy-ass consumer grade trailer? How about some Occam’s razor?

    To “cry wolf” is to unnecessarily raise the hue and cry (either on purpose, or through naïveté), something those taking this phrase literally are far more guilty of than the owner of this trailer.

    If I say “Watch out, don’t hurt yourself thinking too hard,” that, like the above, would be understood as a joke even though it takes the form of a warning. It’s not my fault if you freak yourself out worrying about literally hurting yourself by thinking too hard.

  • Depress_Mode@lemmy.worldtointernet funeral@lemmy.worldlook twice
    1 year ago

    Genie, for my first wish, I wish that everyone who has ever seen this photo or ever will can just look at the stickers right there on the bumper and see that this is just a joke about being obsessed with dirt bikes, not any kind of deadly pathogen or anything.

    Seriously, it’s sad how many people over the years have taken the phrase written there far too literally.