The End is Nigh(tly updated, don’t worry)
This weird old elf/woman forces herself onboard and starts destroying everything. Then she does it again but this time she sees a hologram of herself and is like, “oh, sorry. guess I’ll go home now. bye.”
“the FUCK you gonna do?” on their faces makes me immeasurably happy
I used to get sandwich bags of weed from a guy that was a “DJ”. He would weigh out 3.5 grams on a triple beam scale stolen from the science classes at a local high school. Also, I could smoke cigarettes at high school in a special shed.
or the Boeing logo
Get an undersink reverse osmosis and uv filter kit. Some come with a remineralizer so it doesn’t taste flat. Don’t go for a cheap one or it will leak. SoCal isn’t known for its water purity or consistancy.
I had a friend who managed a huge building of both private owned and rentals. it was trip what people did on their way out. some nightmare scenarios. and some people would give him things like a kitchaid mixer or old stereos or furniture etc. the evictions and occasional death were the hardest on him. he lasted about 7 years before the management company changed hands and started messing with his deal.
have you had to evict people yet?
Van Halen finger tapping the fretboard. Didn’t last as a trend, but every guitar player tried it at the time.
Les Claypool from Primus playing lead bass. That was so unique, I don’t think anyone really copied it. A watershed moment anyway.
Neil Pert YYZ or the solo from Tom Sawyer. Same reaction from drummers as guitarists for Van Halen. Blew everyone’s mind as to what was possible by one drummer.
Obviously there was nothing like Jimmy Hendrix either, but there was so much new and experimental music at the time he unfortunately gets lumped into “60’s music” IMO.
The MC5’s performance at the Chicago DNC in 1968 (and by extension Punk Rock). “Kick out the Jams, MOTHERFUCKERS!”
Me. I’m the guy. I freelanced a lot for a few years. Mostly part time multi-week/month gigs. Every new company that brought me in had a guy already there with my first name. Not a rare name, but not a common name either. Within two weeks of my start dates, those people would be fired. It happened three jobs in a row.
Early internet joke/hoax sight was “drill a hole in your head”. pictures of people with drills in hand and bloody bandages looking all blissed out. I think it was shocking for some because the internet was so new people didn’t think you just blatantly lie without a disclaimer.
Swiftfin is the native app for roku/iOS etc, I think.
and coconut milk, a little curry, some stir fried veggies, a soft boiled egg, and ramen noodles. Perfect cup of tea. Just ask Gordon Ramsey.
thats a trip! I remember that but it was all but over before my time. I had some Corracho servers I connected to for a time as well. Very slow, but stable.
KDX Peer to Peer and cross platform “sharing”. loved the custom interface options. lucked into a few good servers that had hard to find vinyl shares.
2004 Wacom Cintiq 21UX. Drawing on a screen that large and heavy is awesome. I built it into my desk and can raise and lower it from flat to nearly 90 degrees. The brightness has faded over the years, but I won’t let it go until I can afford a new one (equivalent $3k + today). I can barely work in PS with just a mouse anymore. It spoils ya.
Holodeck Flavor
“What if Spaceships had feelings?”
Car-car-car Cardassia!
they spelled “Hello World!” wrong