It also wasn’t an issue with the GB and DS lines, and the Switch notoriously follows the handheld pattern quite closely, so I don’t think this will be an issue.
Professional audio engineer, specialized in DSP and audio programming. I love digital synths and European renaissance music. I also speak several languages, hit me up if you’re into any of that!
It also wasn’t an issue with the GB and DS lines, and the Switch notoriously follows the handheld pattern quite closely, so I don’t think this will be an issue.
I wouldn’t be opposed to very strict regulations for micro transactions tbh. Treat them like gambling and get them as far away from gaming as possible
For many Americans, perhaps this shows just how big Africa is, but conversely I feel that I had never expected Texas to be that big tbh
That doesn’t mean we need to discuss it everywhere, all the time. For starters, not everyone is American and wants to see American centric discussions everywhere, and also, not all discussions everywhere need to start revolving around modern politics. Creating apolitical spaces doesn’t mean being an apolitical individual. Just wanting to look for more peaceful alternatives.
I’m perfectly fine with being called worthless if you can’t see the logic behind that, I legitimately don’t give a shit as long as I can get a break from the insane and miserable shit throwing that is online political discourse.
If you like feeling miserable and angry every time you go online, great for you, but I’d much rather have an option not to do that.
Exactly. Just discuss anything else. Whatever. I don’t care anymore. I don’t want to know. I have absolutely no control over whatever happens in most countries, and I only have control over my own votes (if anything). Online discussion and politics always gets insanely toxic and dogmatic.
I’m not even American and I usually don’t care either way, but it’s so annoying. Why can’t we just have apolitical or at least more focused communities online anymore? I would literally join any community that outright banned all political speech for a change nowadays.
No, I don’t think you understand what instantaneous actually means. It literally means instantaneous. Faster than the speed of light (which is actually why teleportation is physically impossible but that’s irrelevant).
Wouldn’t that mostly depend on how long teleportation takes? But if it’s instantaneous, you wouldn’t need to account for inertia to end up literally a couple of feet away from where you are, right?
On the one hand you’re right, but on the other I feel like a lot of stuff has become browser based (like text editors, code editors, even music editors and perhaps video editors someday), all thanks to Web Assembly and how complex a lot of web apps have become.
It feels like people use everyday stuff through apps, and more complex stuff through browsers nowadays. Roles may slowly invert at some point if it keeps going this way.
Colombia. Solidly placed among the worst countries in the world in terms of work-life balance.
I have a decent job and I don’t work that much, but I’m basically a freelancer, so that’s already pretty different.
Holy shit. 15-18 hour shifts aren’t uncommon at all where I’m from. No wonder we placed well below Japan on work-life balance statistics.
The fact that there are places where people legitimately only work 8 hours a day is kind of mind blowing, thinking about it.
My PayPal account. Though I believe my undergrad thesis project may be another option from another perspective.
Holy shit, your country is deranged
I kind of agree that remote working every single day gets very socially deprived very quickly. Although the office isn’t a place for socialising, not having anyone to talk to day in day out at work drives me a bit mad.
But I also think 90% of the time, working from home is better. Maybe a hybrid model where you only go to the office once or maximum twice a week or something could work for most people. The introverts and the extroverts reaching a compromise.
Yeah my office rents a WeWork space downtown and we only go there a couple days every few weeks. I like it, it’s a change of pace.
What? That’s absolutely incorrect. Cities are the number one most sought after and thriving alternative, especially among young people.
Maybe cities in the US, but that’s because they’re mostly poorly designed parking lots for suburbanites.
Cities are certainly not dying anywhere else on Earth wtf.
A lot of people get paid by hours worked so not showing up means a lower monthly income. And hourly contracts don’t have sick leave in many cases. At least in several countries around the world.
I don’t really see the point either, considering there are small bike repair stands all over my daily commute. If I get a flat, I can just walk my bike to one of them and they’ll fix me up in 15 minutes for a couple bucks.
But I also realise that’s more a perk of living in my city, which is very bike heavy to begin with, and might not work for everybody.
Can anybody shed some light into what repellers, walls and attractors are? Of course I understand repellers probably repel stuff, and attractors attract it. But like… what’s their deal?
And also Twitter is by far the biggest social network in Japan. There’s no chance at all.