there’s your problem.
But in all seriousness—broccoli shouldn’t be stinking up your house. I call shenanigans.
Here from Reddit–might stay a while.
there’s your problem.
But in all seriousness—broccoli shouldn’t be stinking up your house. I call shenanigans.
Where do you live that broccoli smells like anything unappetizing? This is absolutely insane. Maybe wash your vegetables before cooking them?
get a gamepass sub, play avowed.
also re: Neir, did you start a new game plus after the first play through?
So like you didnt vote for people and are mad those people are not in positions to do anything? Like “where are the democrats?” Short answer: not elected.
Nah, seems like a good person tbh. Dude should be elected mayor and then eventually rebuild all of reality or whatever Arrow did.
Because fascists need a ~scary other~ to scapegoat to erode everyone’s rights.
this is a terrible infographic
this is bonkers (hadnt heard of it before) and honestly pretty funny considering that every time “god” in the western sense is used in anime the entity or entities are more often than not villainous monsters.
buy fresh tomatoes?
Be egg. It is the only way.
Usually things marked not for dishwashers can’t hold up to the abrasive nature of the detergent or the heat of the water over a prolonged wash cycle.
Dishwashers are not magical devices, they basically just spray sandy soap-water for a long time.
Seems you should also know that dishwashers only work so well as the detergent and water can access the objects inside. They are not a magic device that clean everything without fail.
No, only humans are capable of thought and emotion. every other animal on this planet is just running a basic logic loop and will despawn if you move more than 100 yards away from them.
I think part of what made it initially a sensation was how self-aware it was in how incredibly stupid and not actually funny it is.
Kill them, obvious answer.
Because people like my idiot brother think “he trounced that ho in the debate.”
Why do so many people post on this community and other “asks” about stuff that I have literally never encountered at all yet purport it to be a rampant trend?
A magical thing called google.
When I googled “broccoli smell” every single result stated “you’re overcooking it” so I guess that’s what you’re doing. I have literally never experienced this so I guess I win at cooking broccoli.
Thus I rescind my suspicion of shenanigans and submit instead INCOMPETENCE