I’ve used Termius on my iPhone, it works pretty well. Unsure if they’ve got an iPad client but I would be surprised if they didn’t?
I’ve used Termius on my iPhone, it works pretty well. Unsure if they’ve got an iPad client but I would be surprised if they didn’t?
How pedantic do we get to be? Like, I’d be fine with flying because I could just hover a millimeter from the ground instead of standing, I would think
I’d agree, but the fact that it’s specifically written that you’re now allowed to call homosexuality a mental illness, for example, seems to me a little more than just “I don’t want to moderate any more”
ELI5 the Marlboro part? I get that Mitsubishi manufactures just about everything but unsure what I am missing lol
An HBA (host bus adapter) is a SAS controller (or rather, has a SAS controller chip on it). You mostly just want to make sure that your host (the server) has enough physical PCIe lanes to use the whole card, otherwise you’ll get bottlenecked there. You also want to check whether you’ve got 6G SAS or 12G SAS capability. If your drives only support 6 gig, for example, there’s zero point in buying a 12G SAS card, which is actually nice because 6G cards are a lot cheaper. You do want to make sure you actually need an HBA and not a RAID controller though - they’re easily confused. Not sure if I actually answered anything there but I write SAS firmware and use HBAs all the time, so feel free to ask me more and I’ll try to piece together a coherent answer.
Interesting… I went to an Austrian bank and now I’m suddenly seeing double!
That’s like… a month. Can it take an indefinite break instead?
What you also forgot to mention is just how much trash we generate… that would be a massive limiting factor as well. It’s hard enough to get a few tons of stuff on a rocket going to space. I couldn’t get an exact figure on a quick google search but humanity generates somewhere on the order of tens of thousands of metric tons of trash per day
I’ve got duo; we had to have it at my uni for 2FA for our school emails. As far as I can tell it really isn’t very invasive. That said, I do think it tracks general location but I don’t believe it goes further than that.
Oh, of course. There are negatives to everything for sure. But I think as a whole it’s made life better in a lot of different ways.
Near-infinite access to pretty much any information you can possibly dream of, content, questions, etc, on a little device in your pocket
As someone that works at a storage devices company - we do still manufacture 10K HDDs. They are faster than the 7200s of the same spec, by nature. All 2.5” drives for enterprise systems. And will actually continue selling them until ~2030. That said, they’re all but obsolete at this point, and aren’t really being developed on any more.
Sue-dough & s-s-h here. Can’t speak to zsh yet, haven’t actually talked about it w/ others yet. How about /etc/? Sometimes I call it “e-t-c” but others I say “etsee”
I think it’s the caller ID. Should be easy, just have to get my mom to set it first.
Interesting, I guess I’ll have to try again. It kept telling me that there was an error processing when I tried locking it.
Fun fact: you can’t lock your credit through Innovis if the name on your phone number isn’t the same as your real name (for instance, I’m on my mother’s phone plan - I still have my own number, but I guess it’s under her name). I ran into this issue literally four days ago :/
That’s exciting! Crazy to see how something can not be seen for a hundred years, but still be found again.
I’ve got 3D pipes running on my spare Win10 machine :) fills me with nostalgia every time I see it, even still
Rich, white, straight, christian male. Given recent events, that second-to-last part is especially important :/