Do they? Most cartoon kings I can think of have either white or gray hair.
Do they? Most cartoon kings I can think of have either white or gray hair.
More anti establishment than anti-work, but still worth mentioning:
Personally, I consider family to be a social group more than a biological relationship. I have relatives that I’ve never met in my adult life that I don’t consider family. Conversely, there are people I consider family that were brought into my life through marriage, adoption, and close friendships.
Not born wealthy, but there was Ronald Read who lived a modest life resulting in a multimillion dollar estate when he passed in 2014. He left most of it to local library and hospital.
While not a term maybe a short blurb like “While I am not religious, I admire many of the lessons of Jesus as portrayed in the Bible, and I try to model parts of my life after his example.”
If applicable you can also add “Along with others I consider to be positive examples for leading a good and virtuous life.”
Yes. Thanks for catching that.
There is a lot of good messaging in the Bible, the Quran, the Torah, etc. You don’t need to be religious to appreciate that. Just like how somebody who appreciates in the mission and words of The Amazing Randi does not need a special label.
The labels start to come into play when discussing your belief or disbelief in a god or gods.
This guy is a complete tool who sounds angry at Google for personal reasons.
I have worked for several successful startups with remote work policies. The employees don’t “work like hell” because they are in an office. They do it because THEY HAVE EQUITY. If the startup prospers and does well then so do the employees. I’ve never had a coworker decide to stay late because of access to a communal fridge and public bathroom. I have, however, known them to work harder to improve their chances of an early retirement.
Have you tried contacting them with questions about issues that concern you?
Panhandling is just asking for money. Every celebrity, politician, school, charity, church, library, little league sports team, etc I can think of has done that at one point or another. I have worked in office environments where people have come around looking for donations for this thing or that.
How are you defining panhandling and why would it be any different than other forms of soliciting for donations? Because it sounds like your question is about policing a group of people and not an action.
I’ve got my Plex server running on an Intel NUC 8 with 2 USB 2TB solid state drives serving as local storage for my media.
One method was the use of candle clocks.
It sounds like you are describing depression. Here are some things that help me when I get to feeling like this. It’s not easy to do when battling with low energy and a lack of motivation, but they help.
Do more outdoor activities. Normally in the form of walks, or biking to nearby locations instead of driving.
Drink more water. Basically, I just have a glass of water before drinking anything else.
Eat better. Nothing too extreme, I make an effort to prepare more foods at home and include more vegetables.
Change things. I’m not talking about a life change. Rearrange furniture, put up some different wall art, change your lighting, swap out the background images on your computers and / or mobile devices, etc.
Spend time with your thoughts. I would try to spend about 15 minutes to an hour each day sitting in silence, with no distractions. I don’t force any thoughts. I just wait to see what bubbles to the surface. It usually helps me identify problem areas that I need to focus on.
It is also possible that you have started down a life path that you feel you are “supposed” to pursue and not necessarily a path that you want to pursue.
It could also be that you are burned out between school, work, and social obligations. Making more time for yourself or taking some time off, if that is an option, might help.
Here’s my theory that is based on no research whatsoever:
Cigarette companies used to pay to have characters smoke in movies and TV shows. This would cultivate a social acceptance and “cool factor” around smoking. During the 80s and 90s, this practice came under fire and smoking in movies and TV dramatically dropped to the point of almost being non-existent.
Then time passed, vaping became popular, and people stopped caring about the impact of normalizing or even glorifying smoking. So the practice of paying studios to have characters smoke started to return. Nobody said anything, so it is becoming common place again.
It doesn’t matter if it is unhealthy, it is profitable.
I think it would depend on the subject matter.
Without knowing where you are, what type of person you are, or what type of person your date is, I’m gonna make a generic suggestion of some sort of class (cooking, pottery, wood turning, stained glass, painting, etc) that look interesting. Something that the two of you can learn together and have fun with.
Some others I’ve found (with “lemmy” prepended)
Gonna stop there because I don’t think that I can top the “is.global” domain.
Likewise, the “forme” domain name has some good tld’s available.
You’re having a rough day. Seems like everybody wants a piece of you and they aren’t kind about it. So you put on some ear protection, grab your leaf blower and step outside. Nobody bothers you out there. The leaf blower yells nonstop the way you wish you could and even though you aren’t doing the yelling, there is still something cathartic about the noise. It creates a bubble where you are left alone. As the minutes pass and the debris collects into neat little piles, you can slowly regain your calm. The urge to explode, unleashing your anger and frustration, in an irreparable way ebbs and you feel like you can hold your shit together for a little while longer.
Or they are in a feud with their neighbors and are trying to piss them off.