This is great + well-deserved, plus it has the side benefit of making some of the world’s worst people really, really mad.
This is great + well-deserved, plus it has the side benefit of making some of the world’s worst people really, really mad.
locals may have to accept that same-day delivery is a thing of the past
In a pedestrian-friendly city like Amsterdam, couldn’t they mostly replace this with a pickup depot / Amazon locker type setup? (maybe residents with wheelchair / limited-mobility / etc permits can still get front-door package delivery, but it’s not something most people need)
My headcanon is that in public / guest quarters the toilet stalls contain miniature holodeck emitters so that they can instantly change to accommodate the customs / biology of any species. Even assuming that, say, Klingons excrete waste from the same places that humans do, they might prefer to do so while dangling from a bar in the ceiling or something else torturous like that, and find the use of a regular sitting toilet unclean or dishonorable.
The pushy evangelical church down the street has the Bajoran flag
It’s about ads. The great thing about putting videos on YouTube is that Google does the work of selling ad slots for you, the not-so-great thing is that because those advertisers are actually Google’s customers, if they think they might be upset to see their ad running in your video, they’ll err on the side of pulling it.
But I daresay if Russell Brand had advertisers working with him directly, most of them would also be suspending their relationships with him right now; nobody wants anything to do with this sort of allegation.
“I would like to have seen Montana.”
Adding 40% to 0 is still 0 - we need to add, like, a million %.
It may have been more like:
Unity: “We love money and hate our customers, who can we hire to realize that vision?”
EA CEO: “Finally, a job that understands me”
Might have been better if he took back that promise after Putin arrived.
(also, a jailed Russian president Capoeira’ing his way through a Brazilian prison would be an excellent concept for an action movie)
Haven’t bought it yet - how does it work on the Xbox S? (I’m reluctant to shell out for a X just for one game)
That’s pretty much it; the OLED model is fine as far as physical design + screen, it just needs more competitive performance and to fix the Joy-Con drift nightmare
In addition to being good policy, this is going to be a lifeline for women in border states. (and will I suspect be much harder to police or prosecute - it’s very, very difficult to hold somebody legally liable in one country for an act committed in another)
Scott Bakula’s there too, he’s just occupying Shatner’s body so you can’t see him.
For games, my suggestion is that you try a whole bunch of them; get Google Play Pass and, if you have a Netflix subscription, browse through the list of Neflix Games and try anything that looks remotely appealing. None of these are gambling or freemium - they have no way to make money from you except for your continued subscription - and there’s something for pretty much every conceivable genre.
If you can give any guidance about the specific sorts of things you like from games (action, story, puzzles, building stuff) I’m sure people can recommend some specific titles.
This - a lot of people don’t know this, but the beginner method for solving Rubik’s cubes is pretty straightforward algorithm that anyone can memorize; competitive speed cubers use a much more complicated one, but even with the beginner method, with enough practice you can get your times down to under a minute.
Yes. And even before the Russia mess they were going to replace nuclear with LNG, which is still pretty bad.
No. Among other things it remains the linchpin of energy security for industrial countries like China and Germany that lack adequate domestic oil or natural gas reserves to power their economies with those.
The fun thing there is that they seem to have then turned around and deified a bunch of mytho-historical figures like Kahless, much as how on Earth (and in many other SF universes) any time you kill off one set of gods you end up with the new gods or the One True God or whatever. (and they tend to be much more bland / un-fun than the previous ones, e.g. the intentionally dull Faith of the Seven in “Game of Thrones”)
I think - correctly or incorrectly - a lot of people perceive the typical Burning Man attendee nowadays as being a rich and/or famous person who is somewhere between indifferent to + amused by the suffering of other people less fortunate than they. And - again, not saying this is correct - they perceive this as being more of an annoying/inconvenient/uncomfortable thing (lots of wallowing in filth, but only 1 death AFAIK) than a bona fide natural disaster; totally different order of magnitude from what just happened in Florida, for example, or Hawaii.
So it’s less serious than a hurricane or flood or whatever in a populated area, and affects much more deserving people; if, heaven forbid, a bomb went off and hundreds of Burning Man attendees died it would be a very different story, and certainly in that case I don’t think any decent person would laugh about it, but a bunch of rich assholes stuck in the mud playing “Survivor” for a week is much more farce than tragedy.
And this was only like the 3rd worst thing to happen to O’Brien that day