My stepson asks all kinds of questions like this and highly scientific pedantry is my go-to move.
“Technically if you were invisible, your retinas would stop working, so I’d go with flight.”
My stepson asks all kinds of questions like this and highly scientific pedantry is my go-to move.
“Technically if you were invisible, your retinas would stop working, so I’d go with flight.”
Seriously. They were the sweet spot for me. Still haven’t found what I would use when I need to replace them, but I may end up receiving a free pair of AirPods Pro, so I guess free-and-passable wins.
What use cases?
For gaming, the Steelseries Arctis GameBuds have been pretty fantastic so far. Great audio, great battery life, and an included USB-C dongle for 2.4 GHz audio.
I have been a big fan of Jabra earbuds, but they’ve left that market entirely so I wouldn’t personally recommend buying them. It doesn’t bode well for long-term support. The Elite 10 I think is their last consumer true wireless set.
Alas, that’s my least favorite of hers that I’ve read so far. Her angle is to all the questions you want answered, then get the answer. Spook, being about the unknowable, means the answers are a lot less fulfilling. Still a worthwhile read, just not her best in my opinion.
Always upvotes for Mary Roach. Everyone should read her breakout work, Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers.
I’m actually surprised the BB is only 90 Hz. I’m not that much of a stickler for it, but I get it.
I actually spend a lot more time on PSVR2 than Index these days, and when I do switch back to Index, I kinda miss some of the features.
If money is no object, I think the current best arrangement is probably something like a Bigscreen Beyond with Audio Strap, Index controllers, and the requisite lighthouses. But that’s about $1600 compared to the PSVR2, which was on sale for $350 over the holidays. PSVR2 games are generally more polished, but you also don’t have the bonkers modding scene like PCVR does. You can run PSVR2 on the PC now, but most of the best features stop working. So there really isn’t a perfect solution.
Holtzmann made that movie. I still tingle when she goes to town with the dual proton pistols.
And half the country. 😩
So, so many people refuse to believe they’re even capable of being wrong.
Technically it would be suck-sectional.
My best friend and I suggested online that maybe this friend of ours stop using “gay” as an insult (this was around 2009 or so) and he and his girlfriend became adamantly defensive and mean. When they implied that my best friend was molesting his beloved dog just to be assholes, I just cut the cord and walked away. They were idiots anyway.
Fun fact: the girlfriend was, and is, a huge “do good” volunteer advocacy leader. So, you know, help each other out, but don’t get in the way of my homophobic slurs.
Criminally overlooked and underrated.
Yes, but Republicans do what they want with no consequences, so check and mate.
First thing that popped into my mind: Galavant. It’s a prime time network fantasy comedy from a writer of Cars and Tangled, teamed up with the composer from Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid.
It’s like if The Princess Bride was two seasons of musical television with songs from the golden 90’s era of Disney. In a just world, it’d have six seasons and a movie.
Number three…
The larch.
Absolutely. It definitely takes some delightful liberties with WHY Blackbeard takes a liking to Stede and why Stede leaves his family in the first place, but the overall arc is based on a true story.
They already staged a coup to install him.