Pocket card jockey 2 let’s go!
Pocket card jockey 2 let’s go!
I could see a work truck with many heavy tools and spares for hydraulic machinery being one of these trucks.
Not a lot of walkers per square mile in the US. even if everyone was walking at once.
It’s not the everyman buying from scalpers its industry buying cheap pis over plc, when it’s that much cheaper scalper prices isnt much to them. And they need them NOW. Gotta love just in time manufacturing.
And the wrong narrator just makes a great read a slog and a half.
Same, I also must read them on an ereader. I’ve tried my phone but it’s all so easy to just do something else on a phone.
My local library uses some digital library that doesnt work with my e-reader. How am I suppose to borrow ebooks? Most books I read are too heavy to lug around all the places my ereader has been.
What about digital paywalls on research papers, I think those should be freely accessible to the general public if grant money was acquired for said research.
Yeah I pirate some books here and there, wish I could just borrow digitally from my local library, instead sometimes I use the largest library known to man.
Only music I cant listen to and read, is if there are any words at all. Just completely messes up everything. From time to time some low volume synthwave is nice.
I’m reading on a ebook, so I get clickable footnotes sometimes, usually though it’s mostly for common facts a chinese reader would have. Dont know if there are different translations or not.
Working on three body problem. I dont know if anyone else have a hard time with translated works, but I always feel like some part of the book is missing when translated. Like iboixk up on a few context clues that something should be known.
Anyways I’m enjoying it, just lots of extra lookin things up, makes it a bit tedious.
Democracy has it’s own inherent issues, for one the majority has complete authority over any minority group. At its worst democracy is a mob that doesnt care about any minorities issues. As in if you cant get your issue/cause agreed to by more than half of the population, it’s never going to happen. Democracy isnt inherently good,