“I’m a klingon, too, you know: I go pee pee standing up.”
“I’m a klingon, too, you know: I go pee pee standing up.”
[bassline intensifies]
On the other hand, the CO2-emissions from the fuel production and the fuel combustion are not praiseworthy.
lmao, no shit
No, I have four!
How you make big?
Yo dawg, we put a state in your state so you can govern while you govern.
Gotta mine them in space, but there’s still a whole host of other issues with the idea including aiming them, having enough stations to deploy them anywhere on the planet in a reasonable amount of time, and the other non-radioactive problems that result from throwing a fuckton of tungsten at terminal velocity into something.
Just be straightforward: Avoid hinting, speak plainly. I can’t speak for all guys, but I’m terrible at picking up on hints.
Take walks!
You’re not wrong.
My hobby is collecting hobbies lmao
Hell yeah it does.
Is that ship wearing a sombrero?
I’m not an engineer but as I understand it: They are harder to make than a traditional windmill. Mechanically probably wasn’t the best word to use I guess, at least for most designs.
“They walk on face of moon comrade: We must avenge this disrespect!”
Because money/practical limitations: It costs more to make them and in ye olden times I’m not sure they had the technology to make a reliable vertical axis turbine.
They do exist these days, but aren’t as common because they’re more expensive and complicated (which also means more maintenance, which further adds to the long-term cost).
Challenge accepted.
laughcries in neurodivergent
What can you do though: People are idiots and I am one of them.
[shoe squeaking intensifies]