Yes, that’s how I’m using it. NextcloudPi on a Pi 4. It’s been working really well for me.
Yes, that’s how I’m using it. NextcloudPi on a Pi 4. It’s been working really well for me.
It puts completed items at the bottom of the list, if I understand what you’re asking
I’m using Quillpad
Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Hopefully plays decently on the deck.
Does Technitium support DNS rewrites like Adguard Home?
Just to throw my own experience in the mix. I tried the AIO and standard versions of Nextcloud and found them to be flakey and slow. But I felt compelled to keep trying. That’s when I found NextcloudPi. I’ve installed it on a Pi4 running from an external SSD and it’s been rock solid. I believe that version is no longer in development though and I primarily use it as a sync platform for various apps rather than using the web apps directly.
And just to be contrary, have you looked at Seafile? It’s stupid fast and stable but some features are hidden behind a paywall if you have more than 3 users (community vs pro). Their documentation is poor, and the data is stored in Git-lik chunks on the server. All of which can be a deal breaker for some. The external storage feature works, but for a newb like me, it was a bear to get running.
I wonder how well it plays on Stem Deck because talking about it makes me want to play again.
Story is generic and it’s a little bit jank, but has one of the best magic systems in any game I’ve played.
Windblown plays really well on the SD. Developed by Motion Twin, same folks behind Dead Cells. Rogue-like that plays similar to Hades but has some persistent upgrades like Dead Cells.
Yes. I have a Pi4 running NextcloudPi image on it. I sync docs, pics, even backup my Obsidian vault. It’s worked really well for Quillpad in my experience. On desktop I use Iotas (Linux) if I need to update from that instead of my phone.
Quillpad is the closest I’ve found. It’s simple markdown files. It can sync with Nextcloud as well. I use it for any short note or lists. Long form stuff including journal, I use Obsidian (not open source)
I have two of their basic VPS and they’ve worked well. My few interactions with customer service has been less than awesome though.
I’ve tried them all. I use Quillpad for Google Keep replacement (shopping/packing lists, etc) but have been using and loving Obsidian. I know it’s closed source, but the hierarchy of simple text files is fantastic and I haven’t found a FOSS alternative I like as much.
I hope there’s a deal exploit like buying 3 years of GP for $3-4/mo by using a VPN like I did about a year ago. If not, I won’t be subscribing and will likely get rid of my series X. I’ve been very disappointed in it anyway. Oh well, still have the original and the 360…
I live Miniflux but found the scraper to miss quite a few articles. Five Filters seems to work well for these cases
Every madcatz controller I’ve used has been terrible. Xbox, Dreamcast, and PSone. Just terrible.
The Dreamcast had a keyboard for Typing of the Dead, but iirc they also had one similar to the pic I posted for Phantasy Star online.
Same here. I really like it.
Yeah, it’s not perfect. I’ve noticed that when making a task list/checkbox note that you can’t delete the line. Sure you can go and edit the contents of that line, but even if you delete all text, the line with a checkbox remains. Kind of annoying, particularly when I accidentally create another checkbox and have nothing to put in it. it’s just an empty line and checkbox sitting there mocking me. You can still mark it complete of course, but it kinda makes my eye twitch. :)