My mortality! Hit 45 this year and it kinda feels like it’s all downhill from here.
Health is ok but that seems tenuous as I’m pretty out of shape so I feel like I’m not “set up” yet to be a healthy older person. When something does go wrong I’m not sure if I should worry about getting it treated or just live with it.
It seems futile to learn new skills and such since I’m not sure about the payoff (ROI).
Family/kids/job/money are all pretty great so I don’t have anything to complain about, but I’m still kind of feeling like I’m about to crest the hill of life and want to ensure I’m making the best of it and prepared for my eventual demise.
I don’t want to die! I really like being alive and kind of wish I had immortality (with a safety kill switch of course so I don’t have to endure the heat-death of the universe or get stuck inside a star somewhere lol)
Why abolish the word slave? I’ve heard of people advocating for abolishing the word “black” also. It’s crazy to me. I don’t understand how using the word at all somehow advocates for human slavery.
When working on an office, it’s great and all that you have “the power of accurate observation” but god our Debbie downer is insufferable.
Just think of your computer or server as a huge building with thousands of doors. Most are closed, but you purposely open a few to allow traffic in and/or out of. Those that are open are only open for a specific purpose and will only lead in or out of a specific place in the building.
I don’t know the economics, truly, but there are a LOT more expenses involved in running a large business like Uber on top of driver wages, such as technology service and hardware costs, programmers and central admin/customer service, rent or cost of buildings including utilities, insurance, taxes, fees, consulting and auditing, cybersecurity, legal, and probably quite a bit more I can’t think of. Running a business is friggin expensive.
Definitely not defending paying workers less, just trying to explain why they still might not be in the black even in your scenario.
Hot take: I have never regretted being circumcized and never met anyone who regretted being circumcized so banning it doesn’t make sense for that reason alone. Some parents pierce their children’s ears without their consent, some give them frenectomies, pull teeth, reshape heads, bind feet, or do a variety of other “elective” procedures so I’m not sure why circumcision has so much hate.
My wife and I collect souvenir lapel pins from places we travel to. We write the date on the back, and keep them in a shadow box on the wall in chronological order.
It’s nice as it’s not very expensive to buy them, and they don’t take up a lot of space to keep, and we have a nice little history of our travels at a glance.
Like, I get your overall point, but the whiskey to wine comparison doesn’t quite work lol.
For starters, you’d have to drink a LOT more wine comparatively, which doesn’t translate when going from ICE to electric.
I don’t even know who Jim Parsons is, so perhaps he’ll be a little less affected by that, but Seinfeld is a poor example because the character (and show) is literally named after the actor. Though I’ll concede your point stands for George and Kramer.
“Holy” land.
Man, religion is a cancer on this planet.
This is the good shit I come here for. Oh and the sweet, sweet call to exactly my demographic. Us old-timers can revel in our wonderful 80s TV show memories.
The app is really nice.
Wait, how is earning revenue from having ads in your app “profiting off free user content,” but charging someone directly to use the app isn’t? They both do the same thing for the developer (generate revenue), the only difference is who is paying.
I’ve done that too, but I didn’t go to prison because I was a minor at the time too lol.
But that raises a good question…does an adult remembering their teenage sexual escapades fondly make them a pedophile?
God I hate living in high density housing. Dogs yapping, bass and loud music booming, smelly, loud, animal poop and pee on every green/natural area, higher crime, more traffic, etc.
Wow yeah, interesting! I’m on Sync/Android and it’s a brown wagon wheel for me.
Check yourself dude. The mere fact that you say “it’s doubtable these are in the majority” shows EXACTLY what you think of sex work. Your attitude of “ugh that’s so pitiful, no one would do that willingly, they must be forced into it” is fucking offensive.
Millions of people feel stuck in their jobs and “don’t feel like they have much choice.” Walmart, coffee shops, data entry, whatever. But if it’s sex work, all of a sudden it’s something to be ashamed of?
Yeah, sure there’s trafficking out there, and that is horrible. But don’t conflate the two. Don’t just assume that someone doing sex work is being trafficked. Just like you don’t constantly assume someone doing any other job must also be a trafficked slave or something. Get it?
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I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to selling their body for sex.
You see, that’s the problem. You are implicitly devaluing sex work compared to other professions. You’re not acknowledging that some people actually want to, and choose to do sex work. There’s nothing wrong whatsoever with someone choosing prostitution, stripping, escort, etc.
Could you say your same statement about being a lawyer? A teacher? An engineer?
“I want to live in a world where no one feels they are struggling so much that they need to turn to being an engineer.”
You see how weird that sounds? So why can you say it about sex work? Do you see how derisive you’re being toward it as a profession? Funny that you say you’re supportive while implying that what they’re doing is a last resort…🤦♂️