Then you just have burning zombies…
Then you just have burning zombies…
I’mnsad the israelis got him with a carpet bomb, and not the US with the slapchop.
A wheelchair, some hedge clippers, pocketsful of magazines, and a LEGO man head. He’d be unstoppable.
“Get out of here, Stalker”
They were reportedly tracking movement via cell phones, so it was kind of “natural” to move to other comm channels, too.
You’re not wrong.
It’s pretty good. The AI is braindead, and the game is 99% grind. But hey… gundams.
Of all the silly handwaving, Galaxy Quest got this one right. Two guys yelling at each other on viewscreens. Then one shoots something at the other and the only indication is the “radar” says something’s headed toward the ship. No sign of the other ships in an actual fight.
They weren’t helping them move out; they had (at least pictured) a truckload of food they were handing out.
“The front quarter mile of our flight deck will blot out the sun!”
“Then we’ll sink in the shade.”
They had BFSkinner explore training pigeon-guided missiles. I for one don’t consider anything too outlandish after that.
I expect nothing and I’m still let down.
That’s… amazingly idiotic.
And in a fucked up vertical crop, for some reason!
Then those people are idiots.
Given his public post-brain-damage behavior, I don’t think his plan is to do anything in an unbiased manner.
Thunder was such a pain to fight. Scariest boss in a long time.
If it’s anything like signing in unused ammo, it would’ve been easier if he blew up the garage rather than just hit it.
Her career was prepping lives. Now she’s saving lives.